Page 312 - ePaper
P. 312
SLOVNAFT, obligations accepted as
a.s. part of the climatic and
energy aims of the EU
by 2030.
Sources and the Natural Waste to U. S. Steel Construction of waste energy NA Study 0,25 0,1 High capital
Environment Resources Energy Košice, s.r.o. utilization facilities; expenditures, changing
conservation of sources of regulations: - own
primary raw materials resources; effort to
maximize the waste
energy utilization
Sources and the Natural Coke Plant U. S. Steel Coke production process NA Study 0,5 0,5 High capital
Environment Resources Upgrade Košice, s.r.o. upgrade; conservation of the expenditures
primary raw material for coke
production; energy efficient
Resources and Natural Applied EVPÚ, a. s. The company develops and Yes Getting investment 0,156 0,075 Sufficient financial
Environment resources research of tested the entire new decisions for the resources for the
new non- municipal waste treatment implementation of realization of
traditional technology with high the pilot project for development and testing
methods of efficiency of material and complex pilot technology in the
treatment of energy recovery with development and projected deadlines..
municipal minimum impact on the testing of new Changing thinking and
waste with environment. This will greatly technology, which awareness of the
maximizing help to stop landfill. ensures energy population of real
their recovery of waste stopping landfill by 2018
recycling and encourage the and increase confidence
and cessation of landfill in favor of new
conversion of waste technologies disposal of
for precious municipal waste with a
energy. minimum impact on the
Resources and Natural National Klaster AT+R, z. Research and development of Yes Getting the 0,110 0,055 Sufficient funds for the
Environment resources Centre for p. o methods for environmentally- investment decision implementation of
Research friendly industrial disposal of for the development methods,
and polychlorinated biphenyls implementation of testing and pilot
Developmen (PCBs) in waste, in rivers and the research and technology +
tof reservoirs, sediments and soil development of combination of permit
Innovative degradation through radiation methods and coordination problems
Technologie and to build a clean (green) technologies for and mistrust of the
s for technologies for improvement industrial disposal population to radiation
a.s. part of the climatic and
energy aims of the EU
by 2030.
Sources and the Natural Waste to U. S. Steel Construction of waste energy NA Study 0,25 0,1 High capital
Environment Resources Energy Košice, s.r.o. utilization facilities; expenditures, changing
conservation of sources of regulations: - own
primary raw materials resources; effort to
maximize the waste
energy utilization
Sources and the Natural Coke Plant U. S. Steel Coke production process NA Study 0,5 0,5 High capital
Environment Resources Upgrade Košice, s.r.o. upgrade; conservation of the expenditures
primary raw material for coke
production; energy efficient
Resources and Natural Applied EVPÚ, a. s. The company develops and Yes Getting investment 0,156 0,075 Sufficient financial
Environment resources research of tested the entire new decisions for the resources for the
new non- municipal waste treatment implementation of realization of
traditional technology with high the pilot project for development and testing
methods of efficiency of material and complex pilot technology in the
treatment of energy recovery with development and projected deadlines..
municipal minimum impact on the testing of new Changing thinking and
waste with environment. This will greatly technology, which awareness of the
maximizing help to stop landfill. ensures energy population of real
their recovery of waste stopping landfill by 2018
recycling and encourage the and increase confidence
and cessation of landfill in favor of new
conversion of waste technologies disposal of
for precious municipal waste with a
energy. minimum impact on the
Resources and Natural National Klaster AT+R, z. Research and development of Yes Getting the 0,110 0,055 Sufficient funds for the
Environment resources Centre for p. o methods for environmentally- investment decision implementation of
Research friendly industrial disposal of for the development methods,
and polychlorinated biphenyls implementation of testing and pilot
Developmen (PCBs) in waste, in rivers and the research and technology +
tof reservoirs, sediments and soil development of combination of permit
Innovative degradation through radiation methods and coordination problems
Technologie and to build a clean (green) technologies for and mistrust of the
s for technologies for improvement industrial disposal population to radiation