Page 309 - ePaper
P. 309
and transportation to relocate production
secondary - Energy revaluation of waste to countries with lower
sources standards of
protection, a
sustainability of
economic growth in the
EU and Slovakia.
Sources and Natural Program of SLOVNAFT, a.s. Reconstruction of Assessment of the 0.4 0.06 The European refining
Environment Resources increased manufacturing units in the project is in the final industry is challenged
Efficient use efficiency of refinery in order to minimize stage. by strong competition
and safe use of fossil the production of sulphur on the part of producers
accessibility. materials. heating oils. The project leads from the former
to increased efficiency of oil Commonwealth of
processing and increased Independent States,
extraction of light products per Asia and the U.S. A.
unit of processed oil. due to lower standards
of environmental
protection and lower
energy prices. Support
for increased efficiency
of oil processing by
introducing new
technologies will
contribute to increased
competitiveness of the
European refining
industry as well as to
reduced emissions of
greenhouse gases.
Chemical and Power industry Complete SLOVNAFT, a.s. Exchange of distribution, No 2015-2017 0.105 0.105 The project represents
petrochemical / heat supply reconstructi reconstruction of 80 exchange a direct fulfilment of the
industry on and stations, hydraulic regulation, EU policy of increasing
modernizati system of condensate return, energy efficiency set by
on of measuring and regulation, the Directive of the
Central window replacement, European Parliament
Heating insulation and renewal of 226 and of the Council. No.
Supply buildings 2012/27/EC and the
secondary - Energy revaluation of waste to countries with lower
sources standards of
protection, a
sustainability of
economic growth in the
EU and Slovakia.
Sources and Natural Program of SLOVNAFT, a.s. Reconstruction of Assessment of the 0.4 0.06 The European refining
Environment Resources increased manufacturing units in the project is in the final industry is challenged
Efficient use efficiency of refinery in order to minimize stage. by strong competition
and safe use of fossil the production of sulphur on the part of producers
accessibility. materials. heating oils. The project leads from the former
to increased efficiency of oil Commonwealth of
processing and increased Independent States,
extraction of light products per Asia and the U.S. A.
unit of processed oil. due to lower standards
of environmental
protection and lower
energy prices. Support
for increased efficiency
of oil processing by
introducing new
technologies will
contribute to increased
competitiveness of the
European refining
industry as well as to
reduced emissions of
greenhouse gases.
Chemical and Power industry Complete SLOVNAFT, a.s. Exchange of distribution, No 2015-2017 0.105 0.105 The project represents
petrochemical / heat supply reconstructi reconstruction of 80 exchange a direct fulfilment of the
industry on and stations, hydraulic regulation, EU policy of increasing
modernizati system of condensate return, energy efficiency set by
on of measuring and regulation, the Directive of the
Central window replacement, European Parliament
Heating insulation and renewal of 226 and of the Council. No.
Supply buildings 2012/27/EC and the