Page 96 - ePaper
P. 96
Social Built EQUIENTE Regional Development of the land for Yes, Existing Priority1:
Infrastructure Environment Energy road Ministry of housing with energy Regional scheduling 0,067642
and urban equipment of Housing innovation (heat recovery Policy based on an
services the plots of through the coatings and Statement + inventory Priority 2:
land owned by Société collective networks (heating - Walloon showing the 0,047114
SWL wallonne du Integrated exchangers) sustainable plots to be
. logement development implemented in Priority 3:
code + priority 1, 0,11241723
The SWL is a decisions by priority 2 and 4
public interest the Walloon priority 3.
organization, government.
which provides,
on behalf of the Measures in
Walloon line with the
Government, guidelines of
the mentoring, the EU’s
counseling and Europe 2020
assistance to 64 and Horizon
public housing 2020 plans.
Social Childcare Plan Cigogne Public service of Multiannual programme in Yes Running 0,06 Lack of ressources +
Infrastructure III wallonia – view of creating early investment ESA borrowing limit
Local authorities childhood institutions and programme
DG new home childcare places.
+ Goals:
ONE - Responding to the
demographic boom;
- Creating jobs by promoting
parental employability
through increasing the home
childcare places
Energy Union Electricity NA ORES / RAB Evolution E (ORES Yes In progress. Permanent 0,31
Regulated TECTEO part) Investment
Activities The DSO has to invest in its decision taken
network to ensure security and approved
by authorities
Energy Union Gas NA ORES / RAB Evolution E (ORES Yes In progress. Permanent 0,21
Regulated TECTEO part) Investment
Activities The DSO has to invest in its decision taken
network to ensure security and approved
by authorities
Infrastructure Environment Energy road Ministry of housing with energy Regional scheduling 0,067642
and urban equipment of Housing innovation (heat recovery Policy based on an
services the plots of through the coatings and Statement + inventory Priority 2:
land owned by Société collective networks (heating - Walloon showing the 0,047114
SWL wallonne du Integrated exchangers) sustainable plots to be
. logement development implemented in Priority 3:
code + priority 1, 0,11241723
The SWL is a decisions by priority 2 and 4
public interest the Walloon priority 3.
organization, government.
which provides,
on behalf of the Measures in
Walloon line with the
Government, guidelines of
the mentoring, the EU’s
counseling and Europe 2020
assistance to 64 and Horizon
public housing 2020 plans.
Social Childcare Plan Cigogne Public service of Multiannual programme in Yes Running 0,06 Lack of ressources +
Infrastructure III wallonia – view of creating early investment ESA borrowing limit
Local authorities childhood institutions and programme
DG new home childcare places.
+ Goals:
ONE - Responding to the
demographic boom;
- Creating jobs by promoting
parental employability
through increasing the home
childcare places
Energy Union Electricity NA ORES / RAB Evolution E (ORES Yes In progress. Permanent 0,31
Regulated TECTEO part) Investment
Activities The DSO has to invest in its decision taken
network to ensure security and approved
by authorities
Energy Union Gas NA ORES / RAB Evolution E (ORES Yes In progress. Permanent 0,21
Regulated TECTEO part) Investment
Activities The DSO has to invest in its decision taken
network to ensure security and approved
by authorities