Page 101 - ePaper
P. 101
TRANSPORT Urban PPP Brussels Brussels Implementation of priority yes (1)Existing 0,425 0,320 BARRIERS:
transport Parking Policy Minister of investments to promote long term As a result of the
– PPP transit Mobility and mobility and the environment strategy financial crisis, either
parking lots Public Works – in the Brussels Capital (parking and funding for large-scale
and local Brussels Region and the Brussels mobility private projects are
neighborhood Regional Public Metropolitan Area by giving policy) ; limited, or risk-margins
car parks Service financial support to facilitate (2)Existing list are too condiserable,
“Brussels public-private partnerships of possible which would mean an
Mobility” – for investment in the locations additional cost for the
private sector development and forparking lots; government.
exploitation of 10.000 (3)Regional In order to achieve
parkings (transit parking lots Parking mobility targets through
at the borders of the Region Agency parking policy adapted
and at hubs for public created; tarifs should apply,
transport as well as local Public tender which are lower than the
neighborhood car parks). prepared(from commercial rates, both
January for transit parking (for
2015 onwards) instance discounts for
(4) holders of public
Construction transport passes) and
first parking the local neighbourhood
lots will start car parks (discounts for
from 2017 local residents).
An attractive funding
through the EIB is an
important lever to attract
private investors for
accelerated investment
in the creation of 10,000
parking spaces.
TRANSPORT Urban Public Automation of Brussels Implementation of priority yes (1)Existing 0,808 0,666 BARRIERS:
transport Metro Lines 1 Minister of investments to promote program scope As a result of public
and 5 - Mobility and mobility and the environment and planning ; budget constraints,
PULSAR Public Works – in the Brussels Capital (2)Existing public funding of this
Brussels Region and the Brussels specifications large-scale project is
Regional Public Metropolitan Area by giving and public uncertain or runs the risk
Service financial support to facilitate tenders; of having to be phased
“Brussels public investment for the (3) Contract over a longer period of
Mobility” – automation of metrolines 1 Awarding time.
Brussels and 5 (vehicles, CBTC foreseen in
Operator of signaling, depot). 2015 SOLLUTIONS:
Public Transport (4) Gradual An attractive funding
"STIB" - implementation through the EIB is an
Collaboration as from 2017 important lever to
between the facilitate alternative
Federal State investment methods.
and Brussels
Capital Region
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