Page 742 - ePaper
P. 742
systems (eg real-time traffic
information systems)
Transport Corridors and Multimodal Private Whereas rail, road and Mature 0,8 0,2 Investors have insufficient
Missing Links terminals navigation infrastructure is a certainty when freight
government responsibility, the streams will indeed relocate
multimodal facilities at their and revenues will start. More
junctions are fully private. With risk capacity needed.
increasing freight volumes, in Potential for EIB corner stone
particular on rail and inland financing or project bond
navigation, there is a large need enhancements, if terminals
for more multimodal terminals, combine efforts.
with clear long term viability
Transport Corridors and Clean Fuel Public/Private Fuel infrastructure is fully private Yes Mature 1,9 0,5 Investors have insufficient
Missing Links infrastructur e responsibility, with limited certainty when the new
– in Road government resources to assist technology will become large-
Transport frontrunners. Given the policy scale. More risk capacity
(Hydrogen, goals for alternative clean fuels needed. EIB would be
biogas and e- such as electricity, hydrogen and cornerstone investor.
mobility) biogas, such investments are
bound to be viable
Transport Corridors and Clean Fuel Private A programme under the heading Yes Mature 0,1 0,03 Investors have insufficient
Missing Links infrastructur e BioPort Holland is in operation certainty about long term and
– in Aviation to accelerate deployment of bio- large scale supply of
kerosine in civil aviation. Very biokerosine. More risk
limited public resources capacity needed. EIB would
available. be cornerstone investor.
Transport Corridors and Multicore Private parties The construction of a cluster of At the moment 0,015-0,02 0,015-0,02 The investment benefits the
missing links: Line pipelines in the Port of there is already chemical and refinary cluster
Transport in Rotterdam. Clusters of pipelines one cluster of as a whole. It is difficult to
Harbour make the transport of raw pipelines. The organize cooperation between
materials more efficient, safer, capacity of this the parties because there is a
quicker and better for the cluster is too lack of appropriate incentives
environment. The pipelines small for for early stage investments
benefit the energy efficiency of demand. The because the pipeline will not
energy intensive industries in plans for be fully exploited in the
the port through improved building a beginning. A revolving fund
transport system of raw second cluster might be needed to bridge the
materials. exist. A few gap between short term users
interested and future users.
parties are in
the planning
stage, but
information systems)
Transport Corridors and Multimodal Private Whereas rail, road and Mature 0,8 0,2 Investors have insufficient
Missing Links terminals navigation infrastructure is a certainty when freight
government responsibility, the streams will indeed relocate
multimodal facilities at their and revenues will start. More
junctions are fully private. With risk capacity needed.
increasing freight volumes, in Potential for EIB corner stone
particular on rail and inland financing or project bond
navigation, there is a large need enhancements, if terminals
for more multimodal terminals, combine efforts.
with clear long term viability
Transport Corridors and Clean Fuel Public/Private Fuel infrastructure is fully private Yes Mature 1,9 0,5 Investors have insufficient
Missing Links infrastructur e responsibility, with limited certainty when the new
– in Road government resources to assist technology will become large-
Transport frontrunners. Given the policy scale. More risk capacity
(Hydrogen, goals for alternative clean fuels needed. EIB would be
biogas and e- such as electricity, hydrogen and cornerstone investor.
mobility) biogas, such investments are
bound to be viable
Transport Corridors and Clean Fuel Private A programme under the heading Yes Mature 0,1 0,03 Investors have insufficient
Missing Links infrastructur e BioPort Holland is in operation certainty about long term and
– in Aviation to accelerate deployment of bio- large scale supply of
kerosine in civil aviation. Very biokerosine. More risk
limited public resources capacity needed. EIB would
available. be cornerstone investor.
Transport Corridors and Multicore Private parties The construction of a cluster of At the moment 0,015-0,02 0,015-0,02 The investment benefits the
missing links: Line pipelines in the Port of there is already chemical and refinary cluster
Transport in Rotterdam. Clusters of pipelines one cluster of as a whole. It is difficult to
Harbour make the transport of raw pipelines. The organize cooperation between
materials more efficient, safer, capacity of this the parties because there is a
quicker and better for the cluster is too lack of appropriate incentives
environment. The pipelines small for for early stage investments
benefit the energy efficiency of demand. The because the pipeline will not
energy intensive industries in plans for be fully exploited in the
the port through improved building a beginning. A revolving fund
transport system of raw second cluster might be needed to bridge the
materials. exist. A few gap between short term users
interested and future users.
parties are in
the planning
stage, but