Page 738 - ePaper
P. 738
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investm cost 2017 (EUR
ent plan (EUR bn) bn)
Transport Maritime and Greening the Private Maritime shipping is to comply Combined with 1,0 0,2 Because of the relatively low
inland shipping with (IMO/EU) emission high margins in the industry banks
shipping sector (energy standards, requiring major investments are reluctant to finance the
mix and investments for the industry the shipping extra investments that are
exhaust gas (e.g. scrubbers, new engines). and barge needed to meet the extra
cleaning) industry is environment requirements.
Inland shipping can reduce its faced with low The industry is important for
environmental impact by margins. the logistical function of the
retrofitting vessels to LNG These extra Netherlands in Europe.
requirements Financial support in meeting
are these extra requirements is
(financially) needed.
difficult to
achieve. In particular for inland
Mature: shipping, shipping is an
technology SME activity: bundling of
can be smaller financial needs may
applied be necessary.
directly EIB could contribute to
structuring and financing.
Transport Corridors and PPP Road Public/private The full rolling PPP road Yes Mature 7,0 2-3 PPP’s are facilitated against
Missing Links Programme programme amounts to 8,3 bln. more favourable terms if
Of this 2,1 is off the TEN-T private financing can be
network: combined with long term
- 1,3 national roads (see corner stone financing from
below) EIB with generous volume
- 0,8 is regional (especially with sizable
(Rijnlandroute). projects) and risk taking
capacity or new financial
instruments such as EIB/EU
enhanced project bonds
Transport Corridors and PPP Road Public/private The rolling PPP road Yes Mature 1,3 <0,5 Regulatory restrictions: EIB is
Missing Links Programme programme includes various heavily restricted in its
heavily used sections that capacity to finance
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investm cost 2017 (EUR
ent plan (EUR bn) bn)
Transport Maritime and Greening the Private Maritime shipping is to comply Combined with 1,0 0,2 Because of the relatively low
inland shipping with (IMO/EU) emission high margins in the industry banks
shipping sector (energy standards, requiring major investments are reluctant to finance the
mix and investments for the industry the shipping extra investments that are
exhaust gas (e.g. scrubbers, new engines). and barge needed to meet the extra
cleaning) industry is environment requirements.
Inland shipping can reduce its faced with low The industry is important for
environmental impact by margins. the logistical function of the
retrofitting vessels to LNG These extra Netherlands in Europe.
requirements Financial support in meeting
are these extra requirements is
(financially) needed.
difficult to
achieve. In particular for inland
Mature: shipping, shipping is an
technology SME activity: bundling of
can be smaller financial needs may
applied be necessary.
directly EIB could contribute to
structuring and financing.
Transport Corridors and PPP Road Public/private The full rolling PPP road Yes Mature 7,0 2-3 PPP’s are facilitated against
Missing Links Programme programme amounts to 8,3 bln. more favourable terms if
Of this 2,1 is off the TEN-T private financing can be
network: combined with long term
- 1,3 national roads (see corner stone financing from
below) EIB with generous volume
- 0,8 is regional (especially with sizable
(Rijnlandroute). projects) and risk taking
capacity or new financial
instruments such as EIB/EU
enhanced project bonds
Transport Corridors and PPP Road Public/private The rolling PPP road Yes Mature 1,3 <0,5 Regulatory restrictions: EIB is
Missing Links Programme programme includes various heavily restricted in its
heavily used sections that capacity to finance