Page 740 - ePaper
P. 740
are arbitrarily off the TEN-T crucial infrastructure not within
network, such as nearby the narrowly defined TEN-T
Utrecht (Ring Road and network. PPP’s are facilitated
A27/A1 connection) against more favourable terms
if private financing can be
combined with long term
corner stone financing from
EIB with generous volume
(especially for sizable
projects) and risk taking
capacity or new financial
instruments such as EIB/EU
enhanced project bonds
Transport Corridors and PPP Lock Public/private The programme includes two Yes Mature 1,4 0,6 PPP’s are facilitated against
Missing Links Programme complete lock complex renewals, more favourable terms if
the Amsterdam locks and the private financing can be
Beatrix locks, increasing the combined with corner stone
transport capacity to/from the long term financing from EIB
Port of Amsterdam (4 in EU) on with generous volume
the North Sea - Baltic and Rhine (especially for sizable
- Alpine corridors projects) and risk taking
capacity or new financial
instruments such as EIB/EU
enhanced project bonds
Transport Corridors and ERTMS Public/private The programme includes full Yes Mature 2,8 0,5 The use of PPP is under
Missing Links Deployment implementation of ERTMS on development. If a PPP is to
TEN-T core network until 2028. be used, it could be
The technology is available and facilitated by combining
the revenues are high, in private financing with corner
particular in densely populated stone financing from EIB
areas. with generous volume and
risk taking capacity or new
financial instruments such
as EIB/EU enhanced project
Transport Corridors and Road Public/private A large scale programme is Yes Mature 2,0 <0,5 In particular smaller ITS
Missing Links capacity under implementation to firms face problems raising
managemen t optimize the use of existing capital due to uncertain
road infrastructure by smart returns on investment.
logistic interventions, often More risk capacity needed.
using intelligent transport
network, such as nearby the narrowly defined TEN-T
Utrecht (Ring Road and network. PPP’s are facilitated
A27/A1 connection) against more favourable terms
if private financing can be
combined with long term
corner stone financing from
EIB with generous volume
(especially for sizable
projects) and risk taking
capacity or new financial
instruments such as EIB/EU
enhanced project bonds
Transport Corridors and PPP Lock Public/private The programme includes two Yes Mature 1,4 0,6 PPP’s are facilitated against
Missing Links Programme complete lock complex renewals, more favourable terms if
the Amsterdam locks and the private financing can be
Beatrix locks, increasing the combined with corner stone
transport capacity to/from the long term financing from EIB
Port of Amsterdam (4 in EU) on with generous volume
the North Sea - Baltic and Rhine (especially for sizable
- Alpine corridors projects) and risk taking
capacity or new financial
instruments such as EIB/EU
enhanced project bonds
Transport Corridors and ERTMS Public/private The programme includes full Yes Mature 2,8 0,5 The use of PPP is under
Missing Links Deployment implementation of ERTMS on development. If a PPP is to
TEN-T core network until 2028. be used, it could be
The technology is available and facilitated by combining
the revenues are high, in private financing with corner
particular in densely populated stone financing from EIB
areas. with generous volume and
risk taking capacity or new
financial instruments such
as EIB/EU enhanced project
Transport Corridors and Road Public/private A large scale programme is Yes Mature 2,0 <0,5 In particular smaller ITS
Missing Links capacity under implementation to firms face problems raising
managemen t optimize the use of existing capital due to uncertain
road infrastructure by smart returns on investment.
logistic interventions, often More risk capacity needed.
using intelligent transport