Page 721 - ePaper
P. 721
infrastructure projects.
Knowledge and Public and Investments Ministry of Investments in research Investment 1.5 0.5 Despite EU support for
the digital Private R&D in science: Education Culture infrastructures and in e- decisions have feasibility studies
economy Large scale and Science/ infrastructures to be taken. NL contributing to the maturity
research NWO (Dutch has a roadmap projects, and existing EIB-
Infrastructur e research council) aligned with facilities, national MS
and e- ESFRI- investments have been too
infrastructur e roadmap for low to implement ambitions.
pan- European Additional European
Infrastructure investments will leverage the
s. national considerations and
Regarding e- especially private sector
infrastructure s contributions to implement the
a plan for ESFRI roadmap.
e-science is The same holds for e-
present at infrastructures. Using public
NWO funds (from the existing
available resources) to
catalyze private sector
financing could be
considered. To enable
increased private participation
reviewing state aid
regulations could also be
Knowledge and Public R&D Investments Ministry of Pool excellent science and Yes, on a On a national 0,2 0.1 The model is proven by the
the digital in science: Education Culture professionals and dedicated small scale there are VIB (Vlaams Institute for
economy 1. Thematic and Science/ technology transfer from several scale pilots. Biotechnology). Now a
technology NWO (Dutch universities and knowledge together The health scaling up of a pilot in some
transfer research council), institutes together along the with foundations sectors would result in much
Ministry of lines of a theme, such as stakehold like to invest more translation of science
Economic Affairs, cardiovascular research or ers related as well. into innovation. These are
Ministry of Health oncology to the modest initiatives with high
theme. EU wide public and private
spin off. Current EU eligibility
criteria for EU- level R&D
resources (e.g. requirement
to involve other MS) present
a barrier for further
Knowledge and Public and Investments Ministry of Programme to increase the Initiative has p.m. p.m. More effective links are
the Digital Private R&D in science : Education Culture number of phd’s in the private been needed between higher
Economy industrial and Science/ sector to increase the use of announced by education, research and
doctorates NWO (Dutch knowledge by the government. Dutch business, including
research The aim is Government effective knowledge
Knowledge and Public and Investments Ministry of Investments in research Investment 1.5 0.5 Despite EU support for
the digital Private R&D in science: Education Culture infrastructures and in e- decisions have feasibility studies
economy Large scale and Science/ infrastructures to be taken. NL contributing to the maturity
research NWO (Dutch has a roadmap projects, and existing EIB-
Infrastructur e research council) aligned with facilities, national MS
and e- ESFRI- investments have been too
infrastructur e roadmap for low to implement ambitions.
pan- European Additional European
Infrastructure investments will leverage the
s. national considerations and
Regarding e- especially private sector
infrastructure s contributions to implement the
a plan for ESFRI roadmap.
e-science is The same holds for e-
present at infrastructures. Using public
NWO funds (from the existing
available resources) to
catalyze private sector
financing could be
considered. To enable
increased private participation
reviewing state aid
regulations could also be
Knowledge and Public R&D Investments Ministry of Pool excellent science and Yes, on a On a national 0,2 0.1 The model is proven by the
the digital in science: Education Culture professionals and dedicated small scale there are VIB (Vlaams Institute for
economy 1. Thematic and Science/ technology transfer from several scale pilots. Biotechnology). Now a
technology NWO (Dutch universities and knowledge together The health scaling up of a pilot in some
transfer research council), institutes together along the with foundations sectors would result in much
Ministry of lines of a theme, such as stakehold like to invest more translation of science
Economic Affairs, cardiovascular research or ers related as well. into innovation. These are
Ministry of Health oncology to the modest initiatives with high
theme. EU wide public and private
spin off. Current EU eligibility
criteria for EU- level R&D
resources (e.g. requirement
to involve other MS) present
a barrier for further
Knowledge and Public and Investments Ministry of Programme to increase the Initiative has p.m. p.m. More effective links are
the Digital Private R&D in science : Education Culture number of phd’s in the private been needed between higher
Economy industrial and Science/ sector to increase the use of announced by education, research and
doctorates NWO (Dutch knowledge by the government. Dutch business, including
research The aim is Government effective knowledge