Page 722 - ePaper
P. 722
council) several hundreds of phd’s. in September transfer activities and
2014 (Growth business-academia staff
Letter), to exchanges. EU funding
pursue a could contribute to planned
charter with the agreements with the Dutch
private sector private sector, resulting in
(2015- considerable private
2025). investments in phd’s.
Knowledge and Public Applied RVO Research infrastructure New. 0,1 p.y. 0,03 Applied Research Institutes
the Digital research are developing a Strategic
Economy infrastructur e Research Facilities plan.
Part of the investments in
Examples : facilities will however not be
Phase profitable, without risking to
Transition outprice the use of the
Lab, DATA facilities towards third parties
science on an international playing
center, field. Fully privately funded
Geocentrifug facilities are hard to realized.
e, Testing The Strategic Research
facilities, ICT Facilities Plan will therefore
big data & have to take into account new
sensor lab, and modern ways of
high energy financing.
lab, smart
cities fieldlab
Knowledge and Public R&D R&D Ministry of Revolving fund for research New 0,1 0,1 Investments in R&D require
the Digital investment Economic infrastructure and public public participation to attract
Economy fund Affairs private partnerships interest of private parties.
Non- revolving investments
(toekomstfo should be covered by
nds) additional public budgets. The
total investment package of €
100 does not cover the
investment needs in research
infrastructure and public
private partnerships.
Knowledge and Applied Grand Public and TKI Agri&Food, Top Institute Business plan 0,03 First round To bring existing research
the Digital Research Design, private parties Food and Nutrition, the applied has been financing of € together, a new research
Economy Infrastructure s Dutch Food research institutes DLO en TNO developed in 8 mln in centre including facilities
& Biobased build bridges between academic 2014 as a 2015-2016. needs to be built.
Example 1 Centre research and product Public Private Precompetitive research
development. Partnership. programmes on Food and
2014 (Growth business-academia staff
Letter), to exchanges. EU funding
pursue a could contribute to planned
charter with the agreements with the Dutch
private sector private sector, resulting in
(2015- considerable private
2025). investments in phd’s.
Knowledge and Public Applied RVO Research infrastructure New. 0,1 p.y. 0,03 Applied Research Institutes
the Digital research are developing a Strategic
Economy infrastructur e Research Facilities plan.
Part of the investments in
Examples : facilities will however not be
Phase profitable, without risking to
Transition outprice the use of the
Lab, DATA facilities towards third parties
science on an international playing
center, field. Fully privately funded
Geocentrifug facilities are hard to realized.
e, Testing The Strategic Research
facilities, ICT Facilities Plan will therefore
big data & have to take into account new
sensor lab, and modern ways of
high energy financing.
lab, smart
cities fieldlab
Knowledge and Public R&D R&D Ministry of Revolving fund for research New 0,1 0,1 Investments in R&D require
the Digital investment Economic infrastructure and public public participation to attract
Economy fund Affairs private partnerships interest of private parties.
Non- revolving investments
(toekomstfo should be covered by
nds) additional public budgets. The
total investment package of €
100 does not cover the
investment needs in research
infrastructure and public
private partnerships.
Knowledge and Applied Grand Public and TKI Agri&Food, Top Institute Business plan 0,03 First round To bring existing research
the Digital Research Design, private parties Food and Nutrition, the applied has been financing of € together, a new research
Economy Infrastructure s Dutch Food research institutes DLO en TNO developed in 8 mln in centre including facilities
& Biobased build bridges between academic 2014 as a 2015-2016. needs to be built.
Example 1 Centre research and product Public Private Precompetitive research
development. Partnership. programmes on Food and