Page 716 - ePaper
P. 716
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investm cost 2017 (EUR
ent plan (EUR bn) bn)
Knowledge and Public and Smart FME, VNO- As part of an Action Plan Yes Action plan is 0,09 0,09 International standardization
the Digital Private R&D Industry NCW, Chamber Smart Industry 10 fieldlabs will ready. Smart of industrial supply chains.
Economy of Commerce, be started. Goal is to invest in Industry 10 (first 10 (first 10 Cybersecurity and privacy.
Ministry of de digitalisation of the Dutch fieldlabs will fieldlabs, 20 fieldlabs, 20 Business models in respect of
Economic Affairs Industry. be started in more to more to big data.
We aim to cooperate with 2015. come) come) Fieldlabs will be the main
several countries, like part of the solution.
Germany, Belgium, France, International cooperation is
UK and Denmark. essential. Financing the
international standardization
only by private investments
is difficult, so initial public
financing is needed to kick-
start these investments.
Knowledge and Public and PALLAS Pallas PALLAS is the future, multi- National Preparations 0,6 0,2 Barriers: Assessment of
the Digital Private R&D: foundation purpose nuclear research and have started PALLAS business case is
Economy Health reactor which will ensure the regional early 2014 and positive. However historically
European security and governme a project low pricing of medical radio-
independence of the supply of nts organisation is isotopes, market failure and
medical radioisotopes beyond provided in place lack of European policy have
2020. PALLAS is set to replace EUR 80 (PALLAS made private investors
the High Flux Reactor in Petten mln foundation) hesitant. A combination of
which currently supplies 60% of financing Design predominantly private
the European demand for for early (procurement financing and EC and EIB
medical radio-isotopes and 30% developm ) licensing financing is envisaged.
of global demand. ent stages will start in Solutions: 1. a EUR 0.2 bn
PALLAS will provide nuclear (design 2015. European investment will
research and irradiation and Procurement leverage private financing for
services for public and private licensing) for PALLAS. 2.
R&D in medical isotopes, construction Implementing EU-policy on
industrial isotopes and nuclear and start the security of supply of
security. construction medical radioisotopes will
planned for further improve the
2017-2018 business case of PALLAS
period. and other European
Sector Sub-sector Project Implementing Description Included Status Total Investment in Barriers/solutions
name agency in national investment 2015 –
investm cost 2017 (EUR
ent plan (EUR bn) bn)
Knowledge and Public and Smart FME, VNO- As part of an Action Plan Yes Action plan is 0,09 0,09 International standardization
the Digital Private R&D Industry NCW, Chamber Smart Industry 10 fieldlabs will ready. Smart of industrial supply chains.
Economy of Commerce, be started. Goal is to invest in Industry 10 (first 10 (first 10 Cybersecurity and privacy.
Ministry of de digitalisation of the Dutch fieldlabs will fieldlabs, 20 fieldlabs, 20 Business models in respect of
Economic Affairs Industry. be started in more to more to big data.
We aim to cooperate with 2015. come) come) Fieldlabs will be the main
several countries, like part of the solution.
Germany, Belgium, France, International cooperation is
UK and Denmark. essential. Financing the
international standardization
only by private investments
is difficult, so initial public
financing is needed to kick-
start these investments.
Knowledge and Public and PALLAS Pallas PALLAS is the future, multi- National Preparations 0,6 0,2 Barriers: Assessment of
the Digital Private R&D: foundation purpose nuclear research and have started PALLAS business case is
Economy Health reactor which will ensure the regional early 2014 and positive. However historically
European security and governme a project low pricing of medical radio-
independence of the supply of nts organisation is isotopes, market failure and
medical radioisotopes beyond provided in place lack of European policy have
2020. PALLAS is set to replace EUR 80 (PALLAS made private investors
the High Flux Reactor in Petten mln foundation) hesitant. A combination of
which currently supplies 60% of financing Design predominantly private
the European demand for for early (procurement financing and EC and EIB
medical radio-isotopes and 30% developm ) licensing financing is envisaged.
of global demand. ent stages will start in Solutions: 1. a EUR 0.2 bn
PALLAS will provide nuclear (design 2015. European investment will
research and irradiation and Procurement leverage private financing for
services for public and private licensing) for PALLAS. 2.
R&D in medical isotopes, construction Implementing EU-policy on
industrial isotopes and nuclear and start the security of supply of
security. construction medical radioisotopes will
planned for further improve the
2017-2018 business case of PALLAS
period. and other European