Page 619 - ePaper
P. 619
Environment incubator - where legal base financing.
and Urban students can work and for such
Services generate business ideas establishm
with mentoring from ent in
entrepreneurs. There is Latvia
need for premises and University
equipment and training. of
Resources and Environment
57. Resources and Natural Upgrading Municipal water There are more than No Timing 25 million 3 million Barriers:
Environment resources: of small companies/municipalities 500 settlements in 2015-2020 EUR EUR Insufficient funding
efficient and wastewater Latvia with PE below Lack of appropriate
secure treatments 2000. These small staff for managing
availability plants in settlements will not be of waste water
Latvia eligible to receive EU treatment process.
(capacity 30- ERDF or CF financing Lack of investments
150 m3/day) for construction of new to construct new
water system elements wastewater
to ensure nutrients treatment
reduction, odour plant./leng term
reduction and overall government
life quality in their investment plan-
neighbourhood. upgrade could be
The scope of the done within 15
proposed project years.
includes construction
of wastewater
treatment plants in
these settlements as
well as construction of
waste water collection
systems with pumping
stations and sewage
waste mains.
58. Resources and Resilience to Waste water Providers of water Feasibility 100 40 million Barriers:
The main foreseen No
Environment Climate sludge management publicivities/goal: studies million EUR Insufficient funding
Change treatment services, for example, the The planned project started for EUR
and providers of water individual
foresees the reduction
processing management public activities
of the disposal of
thus services in Riga city
producing „Rīgas ūdens” organic waste mass and
ensures production of
energy heat energy using co-
generation plants. This
and Urban students can work and for such
Services generate business ideas establishm
with mentoring from ent in
entrepreneurs. There is Latvia
need for premises and University
equipment and training. of
Resources and Environment
57. Resources and Natural Upgrading Municipal water There are more than No Timing 25 million 3 million Barriers:
Environment resources: of small companies/municipalities 500 settlements in 2015-2020 EUR EUR Insufficient funding
efficient and wastewater Latvia with PE below Lack of appropriate
secure treatments 2000. These small staff for managing
availability plants in settlements will not be of waste water
Latvia eligible to receive EU treatment process.
(capacity 30- ERDF or CF financing Lack of investments
150 m3/day) for construction of new to construct new
water system elements wastewater
to ensure nutrients treatment
reduction, odour plant./leng term
reduction and overall government
life quality in their investment plan-
neighbourhood. upgrade could be
The scope of the done within 15
proposed project years.
includes construction
of wastewater
treatment plants in
these settlements as
well as construction of
waste water collection
systems with pumping
stations and sewage
waste mains.
58. Resources and Resilience to Waste water Providers of water Feasibility 100 40 million Barriers:
The main foreseen No
Environment Climate sludge management publicivities/goal: studies million EUR Insufficient funding
Change treatment services, for example, the The planned project started for EUR
and providers of water individual
foresees the reduction
processing management public activities
of the disposal of
thus services in Riga city
producing „Rīgas ūdens” organic waste mass and
ensures production of
energy heat energy using co-
generation plants. This