Page 624 - ePaper
P. 624
Country : Lithuania
Project list
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Electricity sector
Energy Electricity Estonia / Latvia / Ministry of The PCI project Yes Feasibility Study 0.35 0.01 1 Barrier: National political decision is
Lithuania Energy Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania “Interconnection taken, however regional political decision
synchronous synchronous Variants for the on most feasible scenario is needed for
interconnection interconnection with the Integration of the further implementation of the project.
with the Continental European Baltic States to the 2 Barrier: lack of EU financing.
Continental networks is aimed at EU Internal
European infrastructure Electricity Market” 1 Solution: a joint regional political
networks development for deeper completed in 2013. decision on most feasible synchronisation
market integration and scenario is convened by European
synchronous operation A joint regional Commission in BEMIP dedicated task
of the power systems of political decision on force.
the Baltic States with the most feasible 2 Solution: project financed by EU
Continental European synchronisation grants, from CEF, EIB, ESF and/or MS
networks. scenario is pending. finance.
Energy Electricity Vilnius CHP “Lietuvos Infrastructure to be Yes, in draft 1. Lease agreement 0.328 0.328 1. Imbalance of National strategic
and (KoGen energija”, financed is high of National for the lease of a planning procedures in energy sector and
heating Vilnius.LT) UAB efficiency co-generation Heat Sector state-owned land programming of 2014-2020 ESI funding.
production (heat and power Development plot signed; 2. Permitting challenges.
production) power plant Programme 2. Environmental 3. Complexity of combined financing
up to 145 MW of the for 2014 – impact from different sources: grants from 2014-
estimated capacity in 2020. assessments 2020 EU investment funds; private capital
Vilnius. CHP will be procedures from partners to be selected as well as the
fueled only with local Project is launched; State or State owned company.
resources and RES, declared an 3. Tender procedure 4. Delayed delivery and uncertainty about
including waste. Scope economic to select project interconnected projects financed from
of the infrastructure to project of partners launched 2007-2013 programming period.
be financed is limited to national and pre- 5. Uncertainty of results from ex-ante
infrastructure, necessary importance to qualification bids assessment of financial instruments for
for power and heat the country. received; energy sector.
generation and 4. Renewed 6. Challenges in set-up of new
connection of this tendering to programming period for 2014-2020.
infrastructure to the grid. purchase 7. Challenges in set-up of new (or amend
Effective investments feasibility study the existing) legal environment enabling
from state, municipal preparation activity of CHPs using waste and
Project list
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Electricity sector
Energy Electricity Estonia / Latvia / Ministry of The PCI project Yes Feasibility Study 0.35 0.01 1 Barrier: National political decision is
Lithuania Energy Estonia/Latvia/Lithuania “Interconnection taken, however regional political decision
synchronous synchronous Variants for the on most feasible scenario is needed for
interconnection interconnection with the Integration of the further implementation of the project.
with the Continental European Baltic States to the 2 Barrier: lack of EU financing.
Continental networks is aimed at EU Internal
European infrastructure Electricity Market” 1 Solution: a joint regional political
networks development for deeper completed in 2013. decision on most feasible synchronisation
market integration and scenario is convened by European
synchronous operation A joint regional Commission in BEMIP dedicated task
of the power systems of political decision on force.
the Baltic States with the most feasible 2 Solution: project financed by EU
Continental European synchronisation grants, from CEF, EIB, ESF and/or MS
networks. scenario is pending. finance.
Energy Electricity Vilnius CHP “Lietuvos Infrastructure to be Yes, in draft 1. Lease agreement 0.328 0.328 1. Imbalance of National strategic
and (KoGen energija”, financed is high of National for the lease of a planning procedures in energy sector and
heating Vilnius.LT) UAB efficiency co-generation Heat Sector state-owned land programming of 2014-2020 ESI funding.
production (heat and power Development plot signed; 2. Permitting challenges.
production) power plant Programme 2. Environmental 3. Complexity of combined financing
up to 145 MW of the for 2014 – impact from different sources: grants from 2014-
estimated capacity in 2020. assessments 2020 EU investment funds; private capital
Vilnius. CHP will be procedures from partners to be selected as well as the
fueled only with local Project is launched; State or State owned company.
resources and RES, declared an 3. Tender procedure 4. Delayed delivery and uncertainty about
including waste. Scope economic to select project interconnected projects financed from
of the infrastructure to project of partners launched 2007-2013 programming period.
be financed is limited to national and pre- 5. Uncertainty of results from ex-ante
infrastructure, necessary importance to qualification bids assessment of financial instruments for
for power and heat the country. received; energy sector.
generation and 4. Renewed 6. Challenges in set-up of new
connection of this tendering to programming period for 2014-2020.
infrastructure to the grid. purchase 7. Challenges in set-up of new (or amend
Effective investments feasibility study the existing) legal environment enabling
from state, municipal preparation activity of CHPs using waste and