Page 615 - ePaper
P. 615
radiology department (including in finance
department equipment NDP
building) 0)
Improvements of
pacients health care
developments of a new
treatment methods for
cancer diagnosis)
Technical support
(including new
equipment and
technical solutions)
53. Social Health, Multifunctio Private promoter – JSC The project envisages No Planning 30 million 7 million Barriers:
infrastructure/ Built nal Grindeks increase in EUR EUR Lack of long term
Resources and environment pharmaceuti manufacturing capacity finance.
environment and urbancal and and development/ A combination of
services/ chemical EC grants, EIB and
Resistance manufacturi implementation of new MS finance as well
to climate ng unit product. as private capital is
change envisaged.
54. Social Built Judicial Ministry of Justice Construction of No a Project 101 Estimated Barriers:
Infrastructure Environment infrastructur courthouse(including developme million costs – 15 Lack of long term
and Urbane equipment, security, nt stage.EUR million finance leading to
Services the creation of witness Execution EUR possible delays.
protection facilities, the of the A combination of
creation of special project is EC grants, EIB and
facilities for children planned for MS finance as well
hearings) 2016-2022 as providing
Improvements of the necessary - co
court information financing. A project
system (including management unit
developments of a will supervise the
software that converts project’s planning
audio recording and implementation
protocols into written under the close
documents, the supervision of the
development of a new promoter and the
Court information relevant Ministries.
system, development of
a labeling system,
development and
maintenance of a
department equipment NDP
building) 0)
Improvements of
pacients health care
developments of a new
treatment methods for
cancer diagnosis)
Technical support
(including new
equipment and
technical solutions)
53. Social Health, Multifunctio Private promoter – JSC The project envisages No Planning 30 million 7 million Barriers:
infrastructure/ Built nal Grindeks increase in EUR EUR Lack of long term
Resources and environment pharmaceuti manufacturing capacity finance.
environment and urbancal and and development/ A combination of
services/ chemical EC grants, EIB and
Resistance manufacturi implementation of new MS finance as well
to climate ng unit product. as private capital is
change envisaged.
54. Social Built Judicial Ministry of Justice Construction of No a Project 101 Estimated Barriers:
Infrastructure Environment infrastructur courthouse(including developme million costs – 15 Lack of long term
and Urbane equipment, security, nt stage.EUR million finance leading to
Services the creation of witness Execution EUR possible delays.
protection facilities, the of the A combination of
creation of special project is EC grants, EIB and
facilities for children planned for MS finance as well
hearings) 2016-2022 as providing
Improvements of the necessary - co
court information financing. A project
system (including management unit
developments of a will supervise the
software that converts project’s planning
audio recording and implementation
protocols into written under the close
documents, the supervision of the
development of a new promoter and the
Court information relevant Ministries.
system, development of
a labeling system,
development and
maintenance of a