Page 555 - ePaper
P. 555
D. Social Infrastructure
Included in TOTAL
Implementin national TOTAL INVESTIMENT
Sector Sub-sector Program name Description Status INVESTMENT Barriers/solutions
g agency investment plan SOUGHT (€/bn) IN 2015 – 2017
(yes/no) (€/bn)
La Buona Scuola is a long-term vision and framework for school reform in Italy. The related investment plan identifies five
main areas of investment:
- Human resources: an extraordinary recruitment plan, to hire 150 thousands teachers by September 2015 in order to
close the current waiting list system, stop the recurring malpractice of yearly fixed-term contracts, provide schools with a
stable staff of teachers to cover vacant positions and leaves, to ensure teaching continuity for students and to extend
teaching hours to full-time in primary education. Plan published on September 3rd, and on
- National training infrastructure for teachers: the creation of mandatory professional development schemes, centred on public consultation between September
peer-collaboration and the consolidation of a resilient national “network of networks” for didactic innovation (tying school 15th and November 15th. Resources up
networks and local innovators among each other). Training schemes system will focus particularly on: language skills and to 1bn€ for the current year and 3bn€
internationalization, digital skills and new media literacy, laboratory, creativity and problem-solving skills, and a fourth from 2015 in Stability Law. Currently, 8 The Italian government has set-up a single management unit to
La Buona Scuola area of didactic innovation.
D. Social D.1 Education PLAN (LBS) (D1, D2, - Innovating curricula : introducing coding, music and physical education in primary schools, and extending the teaching of "delivery units" are working to implement coordinate and supervise the implementain of the project as well as
facilitate financial partnership with the EIB, in coordination with
Infrastructure and Training D3 and D4 are part of MIUR arts and cultural heritage, informatics and computational thinking, making, economics and financial literacy in secondary Yes various parts of the plan or adjusting 8.750 6.750 CdP and local authorities.The EIB presently requires sovereign or
them when needed according to
such plan). schools.
- Digitalizing every school : connecting every school in the country with high-speed internet, Wi-fi and devices for digital consultation results. Decree and d.m. regional recourse for considering financing.
education by 2018, in conjunction with regional investments, private investments and the Government’s ultra-broadband (administrative decrees) on January 2015
plan. for implementing the work of delivery
- School for Jobs: mandatory vocational training in the last 3 years of technical and professional curricula for at least 200 units between January and September
hours per year and renewing all school labs. 2015 and September 2018.
- Advanced facilities for education: extending current national investments to modernize and/or build modern, safe and
enriching school facilities for pupils and NEETs dedicated to digital making, social inclusion, culture and creativity and
industrial integration. The European Commission
recently stated that meeting "La Buona Scuola" targets would allow Italy to respond to all Country Specific
Barriers: fragmented governance of teachers' education; scarce and
Executive working group at MIUR to set
National Training Infrastructure: permanent and mandatory training for 800,000 teachers across various fragmented investments would inhibit the timely and efficient
La Buona Scuola - up a permanent National Training
D. Social D.1 Education schemes,through consolidation of a resilient national “network of networks” for didactic innovation, deployment of La Buona Scuola plan at national level. Regular
Infrastructure and Training National Training MIUR focused on language skills, digital skills, special educational needs, career guidance and school-to-work Yes Infrastructure consistent with "La Buona 2.050 2.050 training schemes already in place. Solutions: need to extraordinary
Infrastructure Scuola" objectives and with European
schemes support financing coupled with a substiantially streamlined governance and
Structural funding
deployment of training schemes.
La Buona Scuola - MIUR, Advanced facilities for education: extending current national investments to modernize and/or build Barriers: 1) Fragmented policy solutions, layered over time;
D. Social D.1 Education National School Regions, modern, safe and enriching school facilities for pupils and NEETs dedicated to digital making, social 2) Budgetary cuts and scarce investments, especially for mid and
Infrastructure and Training Building Renewing Local inclusion, culture and creativity and industrial integration - measures in order to prevent any damage Yes Partially implemented with BEI 6.000 4.000 long term projects
Plan Authorities caused by earthquakes 3) multi-centered decision system for several core processes
New National Plan for Digital Schools
La Buona Scuola - Digitalizing every school: equipping every classroom in the country with high-speed internet, Wi-Fi and Barriers: Fragmented policy solutions, layered over time; cuts and
D. Social D.1 Education under revision based on La Buona Scuola.
Full Digitalization of MIUR devices for digital education by 2018, with a cohesive joint plan of central and local authorities togheter Yes 0.670 0.670 scarce investments; multi-centered decision system for several core
Infrastructure and Training Ongoing collaboration with Agency for
Schools with private investments processes
Digital Italy (AGID)
Consultations with main industrial
La Buona Scuola - Innovative School-to-work schemes: developing and funding a set of innovative school-work schemes, in Barriers: high costs for entrepreneurs, low rewards for schools.
D. Social D.1 Education partners and associations. Experimental
Infrastructure and Training Innovative School-to- MIUR order to sustain compulsory school-to-work training in technical and professional secondary school. Yes apprenticeship scheme launched on May 0.030 0.030 Solutions: ad hoc schemes for different partners,
work schemes Schemes include "didactic entreprise", "school for craftmanship" and experimental apprenticeship. dedicatedresources
Barriers: Budgetary constraints; current rules of public
accountability; current administrative procedures;
University Planning and investment decision taken, low perception of the added value of a PHD holder within the
D. Social D.1 Education Infrastructural Improve overall infrastructural capacities of the tertiary Education System and all infrastructures devoted to activities partially started, average industrial and SME’s context; Solutions: exclude public/local
Infrastructure and Training capacities MIUR students welfare towards full integration within the European Higher Education Area. Yes duration 3 years, with some actions also 0.813 0.454 debt/guarantees provided for tertiary education institutions from
improvement reaching year 2021 stability pact; use of EU funds to absorb credit risk on tertiary
education financing; general simplification of bureaucratic
Autonomous After the recent annulment of first
Province of
D. Social D.2. Health Trento new hospital Trento, Construction and operation scheme of a new hospital, having capacity of over 600 beds Yes (regional) tendering/awarding of the scheme, the 0.310 0.310 Barriers: length of tendering process. Solutions: partially financed
Infrastructure hub awarding authority is expected to launch with public (regional) resources € 160 mln
Private a new public tender soon
*= already matched by MIUR - BEI School Upgrade Extraordinary Programm
**= Financed by DM 351/2014
***= financed by DM 351/2014
Included in TOTAL
Implementin national TOTAL INVESTIMENT
Sector Sub-sector Program name Description Status INVESTMENT Barriers/solutions
g agency investment plan SOUGHT (€/bn) IN 2015 – 2017
(yes/no) (€/bn)
La Buona Scuola is a long-term vision and framework for school reform in Italy. The related investment plan identifies five
main areas of investment:
- Human resources: an extraordinary recruitment plan, to hire 150 thousands teachers by September 2015 in order to
close the current waiting list system, stop the recurring malpractice of yearly fixed-term contracts, provide schools with a
stable staff of teachers to cover vacant positions and leaves, to ensure teaching continuity for students and to extend
teaching hours to full-time in primary education. Plan published on September 3rd, and on
- National training infrastructure for teachers: the creation of mandatory professional development schemes, centred on public consultation between September
peer-collaboration and the consolidation of a resilient national “network of networks” for didactic innovation (tying school 15th and November 15th. Resources up
networks and local innovators among each other). Training schemes system will focus particularly on: language skills and to 1bn€ for the current year and 3bn€
internationalization, digital skills and new media literacy, laboratory, creativity and problem-solving skills, and a fourth from 2015 in Stability Law. Currently, 8 The Italian government has set-up a single management unit to
La Buona Scuola area of didactic innovation.
D. Social D.1 Education PLAN (LBS) (D1, D2, - Innovating curricula : introducing coding, music and physical education in primary schools, and extending the teaching of "delivery units" are working to implement coordinate and supervise the implementain of the project as well as
facilitate financial partnership with the EIB, in coordination with
Infrastructure and Training D3 and D4 are part of MIUR arts and cultural heritage, informatics and computational thinking, making, economics and financial literacy in secondary Yes various parts of the plan or adjusting 8.750 6.750 CdP and local authorities.The EIB presently requires sovereign or
them when needed according to
such plan). schools.
- Digitalizing every school : connecting every school in the country with high-speed internet, Wi-fi and devices for digital consultation results. Decree and d.m. regional recourse for considering financing.
education by 2018, in conjunction with regional investments, private investments and the Government’s ultra-broadband (administrative decrees) on January 2015
plan. for implementing the work of delivery
- School for Jobs: mandatory vocational training in the last 3 years of technical and professional curricula for at least 200 units between January and September
hours per year and renewing all school labs. 2015 and September 2018.
- Advanced facilities for education: extending current national investments to modernize and/or build modern, safe and
enriching school facilities for pupils and NEETs dedicated to digital making, social inclusion, culture and creativity and
industrial integration. The European Commission
recently stated that meeting "La Buona Scuola" targets would allow Italy to respond to all Country Specific
Barriers: fragmented governance of teachers' education; scarce and
Executive working group at MIUR to set
National Training Infrastructure: permanent and mandatory training for 800,000 teachers across various fragmented investments would inhibit the timely and efficient
La Buona Scuola - up a permanent National Training
D. Social D.1 Education schemes,through consolidation of a resilient national “network of networks” for didactic innovation, deployment of La Buona Scuola plan at national level. Regular
Infrastructure and Training National Training MIUR focused on language skills, digital skills, special educational needs, career guidance and school-to-work Yes Infrastructure consistent with "La Buona 2.050 2.050 training schemes already in place. Solutions: need to extraordinary
Infrastructure Scuola" objectives and with European
schemes support financing coupled with a substiantially streamlined governance and
Structural funding
deployment of training schemes.
La Buona Scuola - MIUR, Advanced facilities for education: extending current national investments to modernize and/or build Barriers: 1) Fragmented policy solutions, layered over time;
D. Social D.1 Education National School Regions, modern, safe and enriching school facilities for pupils and NEETs dedicated to digital making, social 2) Budgetary cuts and scarce investments, especially for mid and
Infrastructure and Training Building Renewing Local inclusion, culture and creativity and industrial integration - measures in order to prevent any damage Yes Partially implemented with BEI 6.000 4.000 long term projects
Plan Authorities caused by earthquakes 3) multi-centered decision system for several core processes
New National Plan for Digital Schools
La Buona Scuola - Digitalizing every school: equipping every classroom in the country with high-speed internet, Wi-Fi and Barriers: Fragmented policy solutions, layered over time; cuts and
D. Social D.1 Education under revision based on La Buona Scuola.
Full Digitalization of MIUR devices for digital education by 2018, with a cohesive joint plan of central and local authorities togheter Yes 0.670 0.670 scarce investments; multi-centered decision system for several core
Infrastructure and Training Ongoing collaboration with Agency for
Schools with private investments processes
Digital Italy (AGID)
Consultations with main industrial
La Buona Scuola - Innovative School-to-work schemes: developing and funding a set of innovative school-work schemes, in Barriers: high costs for entrepreneurs, low rewards for schools.
D. Social D.1 Education partners and associations. Experimental
Infrastructure and Training Innovative School-to- MIUR order to sustain compulsory school-to-work training in technical and professional secondary school. Yes apprenticeship scheme launched on May 0.030 0.030 Solutions: ad hoc schemes for different partners,
work schemes Schemes include "didactic entreprise", "school for craftmanship" and experimental apprenticeship. dedicatedresources
Barriers: Budgetary constraints; current rules of public
accountability; current administrative procedures;
University Planning and investment decision taken, low perception of the added value of a PHD holder within the
D. Social D.1 Education Infrastructural Improve overall infrastructural capacities of the tertiary Education System and all infrastructures devoted to activities partially started, average industrial and SME’s context; Solutions: exclude public/local
Infrastructure and Training capacities MIUR students welfare towards full integration within the European Higher Education Area. Yes duration 3 years, with some actions also 0.813 0.454 debt/guarantees provided for tertiary education institutions from
improvement reaching year 2021 stability pact; use of EU funds to absorb credit risk on tertiary
education financing; general simplification of bureaucratic
Autonomous After the recent annulment of first
Province of
D. Social D.2. Health Trento new hospital Trento, Construction and operation scheme of a new hospital, having capacity of over 600 beds Yes (regional) tendering/awarding of the scheme, the 0.310 0.310 Barriers: length of tendering process. Solutions: partially financed
Infrastructure hub awarding authority is expected to launch with public (regional) resources € 160 mln
Private a new public tender soon
*= already matched by MIUR - BEI School Upgrade Extraordinary Programm
**= Financed by DM 351/2014
***= financed by DM 351/2014