Page 552 - ePaper
P. 552
Included in
Implementing national Total Investment Investment in
id Sector Sub-sector Project name Description Status investment cost in 2014 - 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
agency investment cost (€/bn) 2020 €/bn) (€/bn)
plan (yes/no)
Ministry of Transport Barriers: (i) concession duration for road projects; (ii)
Missing links and
C.22 C. Transport bottlenecks- A4 Venezia-Trieste project promotor: 2,400 2,400 0,120 economic-financial viability to be assessed on the basis of
ROADS Road infrastructure new Business Plan and traffic study update; (iii) equity
manager commitment to be verified.
Ministry of Transport
Missing links and
C.23 C. Transport bottlenecks- Salerno-Reggio Calabria project promotor: 2,900 1,100 0,600 Traditional procurement approach (not concession), public
ROADS Road infrastructure funding is still to be entirely covered

Barriers: (i) concession duration for road projects; (ii)
economic-financial viability to be assessed on the basis of
Preliminary draft
submitted by the new Business Plan and traffic study update; (iii) equity
private promoter commitment to be verified. Solutions: Project execution by
pending approval by the constructive functional lots. Long term funding availability is
Missing links and Modernization and implementation of safety
C.24 C. Transport bottlenecks- Orte-Mestre Ministry of Transport measures of the section E45 (262 km) and new Yes CIPE. Afterwarsd an 7,300 7,300 1,300 the consequence of the demonstrated sustainability of the
international tender will
ROADS construction of the section E55 (134 km) project. Potential IFIs/NPB lending commitment is
be called for identifying conditioned on, inter alia, (i) economic-financial viabiliy once
the dealer.The the Final Design is approved and an independent traffic study
promoter has the right
of first refusal. is available (barriers' solution) and (ii) co-financing from
commercial banks on the same risk taking approach
(including maturity of the debt facilities).
Dealer already
identified and final Barriers: The financing structure is still under definition.
Missing links and Construction of a toll highway 94 km long linking the design approved by the Solutions: Involvement in the pool of lenders of BEI / Cassa
C.25 C. Transport bottlenecks- Pedemontana Veneta Veneto region motorways A4 (Brescia-Padova) and A27 (Venezia- Yes Grantor; work in 2,300 2,300 1,300
ROADS Belluno) progress (about 10%); Depositi e Prestiti. Possible use of the financial instrument
expected completion "bridge to bond".
In April 2014 final
award and in August
Construction of a toll highway (18,3 km) linking the Barriers: Updating of the transport study considering the reduction in
Missing links and motorways A22 and A1 with Sassuolo population 2014 creation of the production in the Ceramics district and the construction of the adjacent
C.27 C. Transport bottlenecks- Campogalliano - Sassuolo Ministry of Transport centre (direttrice Nord-Sud) and connection of Yes Società di Progetto. At 0,430 0,430 0,400 non-toll highway Modena-Sassuolo. Solutions: Evaluation of possible
present the signing of
ROADS Rubiera population centre with Modena ring road the agreement with the incorporation of the concession with that of the adjacent A22
(direttrice Est-Ovest) motorway, after sharing with the European Commission services
Società di Progetto is
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