Page 550 - ePaper
P. 550
Included in
Implementing national Total Investment Investment in
id Sector Sub-sector Project name Description Status investment cost in 2014 - 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
agency investment
plan (yes/no) cost (€/bn) 2020 €/bn) (€/bn)

Genova ( 1)elettrificazione banchine Genova Voltri 2) accesso
stradale Voltri Sampierdarena; 3)Rail plan Sanpierdarena 4) Ministry of Transport
Other strategic
C.10 C. Transport Bacino Sampierdarena studi e lavori 5) prima fase pilota LNG Port projects Yes 0,360 0,360 0,302
projects-PORTS project promotor:
6) nuova piattaforma ecologica 7)Terminal Ronco Canepa 8) Port Authority Barriers:
dragaggi) Fragmentation of state contributions not concentrated on core
investments for a number of identified strategic ports
1.Extend duration of concession after retender / to current
concessionaries in exchange for new capex.
2. Identify clear strategic ports and increase / make more certain the
Ministry of Transport financial support
C.11 C. Transport Other strategic Ravenna, Trieste, Venezia project promotor: Port projects Yes 2,500 2,500 1,000
Port Authority
Ministry of Transport
C.12 C. Transport Other strategic Corridoio Scandinavia-Mediterraneo project promotor: Port projects Yes 1,200 1,200 0,600
Port Authority
Barriers: Fragmentation of state contributions not
Port projects. Flagship TEN-T projects aiming at concentrated on core investments for a number of identified
improving container handling capacity in the Italian strategic ports
Other strategic
C.13 C. Transport projects-PORTS Livorno - "Europa Platform" west coast.The project together with the planned Yes 0,640 0,640 0,250
freight rail accessibility will be part of the Sandinavian Solutions: Regional grants and soft loans, Livorno PA funding,
-Mediterranean Corridor. approval of PPP schemes with partial private financing; Long
term financing by IFIs
C.14 C. Transport Other strategic Gioia Tauro INCLUDED SUB C.12
Other strategic
C.15 C. Transport Palermo INCLUDED SUB C.12
Ministry of Transport
Other strategic
C.16 C. Transport projects- Milano, Venezia, Roma Fiumicino (rail links) project promotor: Airport projects 2,600 1,800 0,450
AIRPORTS Airport infrastructure
Ministry of Transport
Other strategic
C.17 C. Transport projects- Venezia, Bologna (rail links) project promotor: Airport projects INCLUDED SUB C.16
AIRPORTS Airport infrastructure
Ministry of Transport
Other strategic
C.18 C. Transport projects- Roma Fiumicino (rail links) project promotor: Airport projects INCLUDED SUB C.16
AIRPORTS Airport infrastructure
Other strategic
C.19 C. Transport projects- Catania Fontanarossa (rail links) 0,480 0,238 0,238
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