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P. 543
Included in Total Investment in
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description Status investment 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
investment plan cost (€/m) (€/m)
PCI Project (#2_15_2 ). New 400 k V DC/AC link between Airolo, Bappanzeno and
Baggio of about 160 k m and with a capacity of over 2.000 MW/1500 MVA between
B.1 Connection Magenta (IT) Italy and Switzerland (onshore), including the following network items:
B. Energy Union TERNA + SWISSGRID n.a. Permitting - -
and Production substation Upgrade 1. 400k V AC connection between Airolo (CH) and Pallanzeno (IT);
2. HVDC connection between Pallanzeno (IT) and Baggio (IT) Re inforcement with new
400 k V section in Magenta substation (IT)
HV interconnector PCI Project (#3_19_1). New HVDC interconnection line with a capacity of 1000 MW 1. Stregthen of interconnection capacity among Balkan countries.
B.1 Connection
B. Energy Union Villanova (IT) and TERNA + CGES (ME) between Italy and Montenegro via 375 km of 500 kV DC subsea cable and converter n.a. Construction - - 2. lack of electricity surplus to be exported to Italy could result in
and Production
Lastva (ME) stations at both ending points in Villanova (IT) and Lastva (ME) (offshore) a lower utilsiation fo the cable till 2020.
PCI Project (#3_19_3), north-south electricity interconnection in Central Eastern and
South Eastern Europe. New 400 kV AC double circuit overhead line (OHL) with a 1. Delay in the authorization process; permitting phase of the
B.1 Connection Internal line Foggia
B. Energy Union TERNA length of 178 km and a capacity of 3.000 MVA. The project located in the Adriatic Yes Construction (2015-2019) - second - part still on-going. 2. final investment decision subject to
and Production and Villanova
backbone is aimed at removing bottlenecks and increasing market integration as well completion of permitting phase
as at improving integration of RES in the EU interconnected system.
PCI Project (#3_2_1). The reconstruction of the existing 220 kV interconnection line
HV interconnector
B.1 Connection between Lienz (AT) between Soverzene and Lienz as a 400 kV AC insulated tie-line of about 100-150 km
B. Energy Union TERNA + Austrian Power Grid (approximately 35 km on AT and the rest on IT side) and with a capacity of 1500 MVA n.a. Feasibility / FEED - -
and Production and Veneto region between Lienz and Veneto region substations, along an optimized route, which
minimizes the environmental impact (onshore).
PCI Project (#3_25). Installation of 250 MW of storage systems (Batteries) on critical
150 kV transmission network in South Italy. Batteries are characterized by removable,
Pilot battery storage modular and flexible installations; these characteristics allow installations in a wide
B.1 Connection
B. Energy Union systems in Central TERNA variety of sites and the possible replacement depending on the needs that could arise Yes Construction - -
and Production
South Italy in the medium / long term. Permitting has already started for the first experimental
stage concerning 35 MW, while the remaining part of the project is under
prefeasibility studies.
Projects are related to:
- primary ore stockyards coverage (relevant reduction of diffuse dust emissions due to
wind erosion);
- steelworks slag treatment (internal material recovery maximization with a lowering
Environment primary ore
B. Energy Union ILVA of the waste production); yes planned in the framework of table for crisis 526 526
management stockyards coverage
- deployment of a sludge and dust reuse plant (sludge and dust from steelworks and
balst furnaces) in order to lower material usage and resulting emissions.
Barriers are the following:
The National Fund for Energy Efficiency has been established by Article 15 of Yes - Difficulty in obtaining loans and financial support;
Legislative Decree 102/2014. Fund aimed at stimulating larger energy efficiency The - High rates of interest charged and the lack of low-interest
investments. To this end, Fund provides guarantees and soft loans to projects aimed establishment of In the next few months is expected to be published a loans;
B.2 Energy National Energy Ministry of economic at improving energy efficiency of public buildings (including social housing), the Fund was implementing decree to kick off disbursement of - Separation of concerns: the economic benefits and costs of
B. Energy Union 2250 700
efficiency Efficiency Fund development implementing district heating networks, improving energy efficiency of public carried out by financial facilities. The program will be activated with investment compete in different subjects;
infrastructure (including lighting). Legislative the resources currently available, since 2015. - In the case of interventions financed by ESCo, there is a high
Italian government has allocated up to 70 million Euros per year (2014-2020) for the Decree risk of default, which tends to discourage the same ESCo due to
National Fund for Energy Efficiency. 102/2014. possible problems in the recovery of credit resulting from the
energy savings achieved.
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