Page 544 - ePaper
P. 544
Included in Total Investment in
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description Status investment 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
investment plan
(yes/no) cost (€/m) (€/m)
Yes, indirectly:
all activities are
The project aim at: and supported in
a) realizing large scale urban smart grids in order to integrate renewable production, A comprehensive feasibility study
Urban Networks Ministry of economici national
B.1 Connection prompte demand side management and diffuse electric vehicles; has been conducted. More detailed intervention
B. Energy Union and development, legislation as 8400 2000
and Production b) diffusing smart home technologies; projects, referred to specific territories, have been
smart cities Municipalities important tools
c) modernizing public lighting and traffic lighting; to reach developed
d) diffusing district heating from renewables
the targets
on energy and
The project continues on from the previous empowerments and integrates the
Support to the expansions to facilitate an increase in export capacity by 2018. The capacity at the exit Yes - Snam Rete Multiple projects in different phases:
Gas Ten Years
B.1 Connection North West market point of Passo Gries will increase to up to 40 MSm3/d, or up to 22 MSm3/d with a - Under realization
B. Energy Union Snam Rete Gas Network - - Permitting problems, leading to possible delays.
and Production and bidirectional simultaneous exit flow at the Tarvisio exit point of up to 18 MSm3/d. Development - Planned
cross-border flows
The project in details: Recovery of abandoned land due to desertification, pollution, Part of the project is in the costruction phase. An
salinity, etc. through innovative dry crops able to produce oil, feed, active molecules important part of the initivative will start in 2015 and
and biomass. 100000 ha of abandoned land, according to the research results already minor part are still in investment decision phase. It is
achieved and tested by means of the build-up of first demonstrators and flagships, it important to underlined that about 0,5 billion have
is possible to produce: Proteins for animal feed (26%): 110.000 -200.000 ton/year been already invested by Novamont and its partners in
Private Promoter (Novamont) (only Sardinia imports 140000 ton/year of soy) (one key aspect of CAP); Vegetable oil: 3 flagships and 1 demo plant, with research and Barriers: uncertainty of policies and legislative framework, lack
of quality standards protecting innovative products developed
ItBioraref: Third (complete value chain from 40000 – 80000 ton/anno (Italy imports more than 50% of the total vegetable oils innovation activities closely linked). Start-up of in the territories, market measures to pull innovative products;
generation agro players to end-users. Is used); Active molecules: 3000 – 5000 ton/year ; Lignocellulosic biomass: 1,5Ml specific and low impact agricultural value chains, not need to promote, according to the Bioeconomy Strategy,
Biorefineries hould be envisaged that a ton/year (about 1Ml ton for energy and the rest for sugars); second generation competing with food production; Sustainable Regions programs to orient education, research,
integrated in the crticial mass of SMEs both in sugars for proprietary new chemicals obtained by means of chemical and Reindustrialization of 6 deindustrializes sites, for a structural funds; promote ways to reduce the cost of energy for
B.1 Connection italian territories agro sectors and in biotechnological processes: 370000-500000 ton/year Bioplastics/biolubricants and total of more than 1.500 employees: Terni; Tatrica (Fr),
B. Energy Union No 1200 700 a limited period of time in case of innovative investments as in
and Production dedicated to the manufacturing sectors other added value products: 250000 -350000 ton/anno. The direct turnover produced Porto Torres (Ss), Novara, Adria (Ro). New bioproducts the case of added value products: the purpose is to avoid that
production of added (expecially plastic converters will be of about 1Bl € with about 20000 new jobs all over the chain. The use of at eu level: private companies, already risking their capital in innovative
value products, such and new start up in bio-based biolubricants, bioplastics from natural origin, polymeric plasticizers as replacement for a virtuous chain of high quality compost with initiatives in Italy, had to pay the costs of subsidies given to not
as chemicals, chemicals sectors have been, extraordinary cases of excellence (Milan champion in
bioplastics, etc and will be more and more, quantity and quality of organic waste ) competitive realities. Access to structural funds, connection
between Structural Funds and PSR Funds as well as energy
efficiency funds should be explored
The project will create new transmission capacity of approximately 24 MSm3/d to Yes - Snam Rete
facilitate gas from future entry points in the South of the country. Multiple projects in different phases:
Development for Gas Ten Years
B.1 Connection The project includes the construction of an approximately 430 km new pipeline - Under realization
B. Energy Union new imports from Snam Rete Gas Network - - Permitting problems, leading to possible delays.
and Production DN1200 and a compression plant of approximately 33 MW, along the South – Nord - Planned
the South Development
line, known as the “Adriatica Line".
NOVAMONT and Public
B.1 Connection Bio-gas and Zero organic waste in landfill with full reuse as compost for soil fertility, biogas and
B. Energy Union private partnership at regional no cost/benefit analysis 1500 700
and Production Bio-chemicals chemicals
"CAR fluff" Car makers, suppliers, steel Under cost benefit analysis by national framework Fees for production of energy from recycled materials (car fluff)
B.1 Connection valorization sector, Ministry of
B. Energy Union no program for end of life vehicles (car manufacturers, 1000 1000 not sufficient to attract investments; support to investments by
and Production (resulting from end Environment and Ministry of supply chian, steel sector) project bonds or dedicated investment fund (or PPP)
of life vehicles) Economic Development
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description Status investment 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
investment plan
(yes/no) cost (€/m) (€/m)
Yes, indirectly:
all activities are
The project aim at: and supported in
a) realizing large scale urban smart grids in order to integrate renewable production, A comprehensive feasibility study
Urban Networks Ministry of economici national
B.1 Connection prompte demand side management and diffuse electric vehicles; has been conducted. More detailed intervention
B. Energy Union and development, legislation as 8400 2000
and Production b) diffusing smart home technologies; projects, referred to specific territories, have been
smart cities Municipalities important tools
c) modernizing public lighting and traffic lighting; to reach developed
d) diffusing district heating from renewables
the targets
on energy and
The project continues on from the previous empowerments and integrates the
Support to the expansions to facilitate an increase in export capacity by 2018. The capacity at the exit Yes - Snam Rete Multiple projects in different phases:
Gas Ten Years
B.1 Connection North West market point of Passo Gries will increase to up to 40 MSm3/d, or up to 22 MSm3/d with a - Under realization
B. Energy Union Snam Rete Gas Network - - Permitting problems, leading to possible delays.
and Production and bidirectional simultaneous exit flow at the Tarvisio exit point of up to 18 MSm3/d. Development - Planned
cross-border flows
The project in details: Recovery of abandoned land due to desertification, pollution, Part of the project is in the costruction phase. An
salinity, etc. through innovative dry crops able to produce oil, feed, active molecules important part of the initivative will start in 2015 and
and biomass. 100000 ha of abandoned land, according to the research results already minor part are still in investment decision phase. It is
achieved and tested by means of the build-up of first demonstrators and flagships, it important to underlined that about 0,5 billion have
is possible to produce: Proteins for animal feed (26%): 110.000 -200.000 ton/year been already invested by Novamont and its partners in
Private Promoter (Novamont) (only Sardinia imports 140000 ton/year of soy) (one key aspect of CAP); Vegetable oil: 3 flagships and 1 demo plant, with research and Barriers: uncertainty of policies and legislative framework, lack
of quality standards protecting innovative products developed
ItBioraref: Third (complete value chain from 40000 – 80000 ton/anno (Italy imports more than 50% of the total vegetable oils innovation activities closely linked). Start-up of in the territories, market measures to pull innovative products;
generation agro players to end-users. Is used); Active molecules: 3000 – 5000 ton/year ; Lignocellulosic biomass: 1,5Ml specific and low impact agricultural value chains, not need to promote, according to the Bioeconomy Strategy,
Biorefineries hould be envisaged that a ton/year (about 1Ml ton for energy and the rest for sugars); second generation competing with food production; Sustainable Regions programs to orient education, research,
integrated in the crticial mass of SMEs both in sugars for proprietary new chemicals obtained by means of chemical and Reindustrialization of 6 deindustrializes sites, for a structural funds; promote ways to reduce the cost of energy for
B.1 Connection italian territories agro sectors and in biotechnological processes: 370000-500000 ton/year Bioplastics/biolubricants and total of more than 1.500 employees: Terni; Tatrica (Fr),
B. Energy Union No 1200 700 a limited period of time in case of innovative investments as in
and Production dedicated to the manufacturing sectors other added value products: 250000 -350000 ton/anno. The direct turnover produced Porto Torres (Ss), Novara, Adria (Ro). New bioproducts the case of added value products: the purpose is to avoid that
production of added (expecially plastic converters will be of about 1Bl € with about 20000 new jobs all over the chain. The use of at eu level: private companies, already risking their capital in innovative
value products, such and new start up in bio-based biolubricants, bioplastics from natural origin, polymeric plasticizers as replacement for a virtuous chain of high quality compost with initiatives in Italy, had to pay the costs of subsidies given to not
as chemicals, chemicals sectors have been, extraordinary cases of excellence (Milan champion in
bioplastics, etc and will be more and more, quantity and quality of organic waste ) competitive realities. Access to structural funds, connection
between Structural Funds and PSR Funds as well as energy
efficiency funds should be explored
The project will create new transmission capacity of approximately 24 MSm3/d to Yes - Snam Rete
facilitate gas from future entry points in the South of the country. Multiple projects in different phases:
Development for Gas Ten Years
B.1 Connection The project includes the construction of an approximately 430 km new pipeline - Under realization
B. Energy Union new imports from Snam Rete Gas Network - - Permitting problems, leading to possible delays.
and Production DN1200 and a compression plant of approximately 33 MW, along the South – Nord - Planned
the South Development
line, known as the “Adriatica Line".
NOVAMONT and Public
B.1 Connection Bio-gas and Zero organic waste in landfill with full reuse as compost for soil fertility, biogas and
B. Energy Union private partnership at regional no cost/benefit analysis 1500 700
and Production Bio-chemicals chemicals
"CAR fluff" Car makers, suppliers, steel Under cost benefit analysis by national framework Fees for production of energy from recycled materials (car fluff)
B.1 Connection valorization sector, Ministry of
B. Energy Union no program for end of life vehicles (car manufacturers, 1000 1000 not sufficient to attract investments; support to investments by
and Production (resulting from end Environment and Ministry of supply chian, steel sector) project bonds or dedicated investment fund (or PPP)
of life vehicles) Economic Development