Page 538 - ePaper
P. 538
Included in Total Investment in
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description Status investment 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
investment plan cost (€/m) (€/m)
Yes - Storage
activities are
Gas Storage Cugno The project consists in expanding the capacity of the Italian gas storage by means of operated under Permitting problems, leading to possible delays. Budget
Security of Private promoter - Multiple project in different phases: Planned
B. Energy Union Le Macine - an underground gas storage in a depleted field with a capacity of 1000 million cubic a regulatory 600 600 restrictions. Remuneration under regulatory regimes
supply Geogastock
Basilicata Region meter and a withdrawal peak capacity of 10 million cubic meter per day regime unsatisfactory
according EU
Directives for
Yes - Storage
activities are
operated under
Gas Storage The project consists in expanding the capacity of the Italian gas storage by means of a regulatory Multiple project in different phases: Permitting problems, leading to possible delays. Budget
Security of - Under realization
B. Energy Union Bordolano - Emilia Private promoter - STOGIT an underground gas storage in a depleted field with a capacity of 1200 million cubic regime 560 560 restrictions. Long term finance neeed. Insufficient remuneration
supply - Planned
Romagna Region meter and a withdrawal peak capacity of 20 million cubic meter per day according EU under regulatory regime
Directives for
the Energy
Market. The gas
Yes - Storage
activities are
Gas Storage Permitting problems, leading to possible delays. Budget
Security of Private promoter - Italgas The project consists in expanding the capacity of the Italian gas storage by means of operated under Multiple project in different phases: Planned
B. Energy Union Cornegliano - an underground gas storage in a depleted field with a capacity of 1300 million cubic a regulatory 600 600 restrictions. Remuneration under regulatory regimes
supply Storage
Lombardia Region meter and a withdrawal peak capacity of 27 million cubic meter per day regime unsatisfactory
according EU
Directives for
Regulatory issues for the crossborder allocation of cost and
Elettrodotto HVDC The project is included in the company’s 2014-18 environmental authorizations. Long term finance neeed. EU-EIB
B.1 Connection
B. Energy Union di interconnessione Terna TSO Cross- border Interconnection Yes business plan and the authorization procedure has -- its realization compared
financing support would allow to boost
and Production
Italia – Francia been already completed. to the scheduled work plan, with a beneficial impact on
employment and socio-economic recovery.
Interconnessione The project is included in the company’s 2014-18 The EU financing support would allow to boost its realization
B.1 Connection
B. Energy Union HVDC Italia – Terna TSO Cross- border Interconnection Yes business plan and the authorization procedure has --compared to the scheduled work plan, with a beneficial impact
and Production
Montenegro been already completed. on employment and socio-economic recovery.
This is a relevant project, included in the National Transmission
Grid Development Plan, but not yet considered in the 2014-18
business plan, mainly due to a lack of adequate financing
B.1 Connection Sardegna-Corsica- resources in the short-medium term, and authorization
B. Energy Union Terna TSO Cross-border Interconnection Yes - -
and Production Italia procedure issues. The EU financing support would allow the
inclusion of the project in Terna’s business plan and, thus,
boosting its realization, with a beneficial impact on employment
and socio-economic recovery.
Ministry of economic
development, Ministry of
B.1 Connection LNG infrastructure Development and implementation of a national infrastructure for LNG fuel ditribution Under cost benefit analysis for a National Plan for LNG, Establishment of a specific fund for supporting dedicated
B. Energy Union Infrastructures and transport, no 500 500
and Production development at main TEN-T ports, and on main road nodes, for heavy trasnport committed by the italian Parliament investments
Agency for electric energy and
Development of 3 bio refineries for the production of 80.000 ton a year (for each
B.1 Connection biorefinery) bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomasses TPG Capital (Texas Pacific Risky investment related to R&D content and administrative
B. Energy Union Bio-refineries Mossi & Ghisolfi no cost/benefit analysis 900 900 complexity risk sharing mechanism /project bonds and
and Production Group). The technology is Italian and it has been developped by Biochemtex - Gruppo
Mossi e Ghisolfi (M&G) semplification
(i) budget constrains and limited development of the ESCO
B.2 Energy EE in public EE interventions in public buildings to comply with the 3% obligation foreseen under market in Italy; (ii) lack of a stable and long term energy policy;
B. Energy Union ESCOs/Demanio No to be launched 2000 1000
efficiency buildings the EED 2012. (iii) Projects are financed and supported by a variety of sources
and incentives are usually unconsistent and overlapping
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementing agency Description Status investment 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
investment plan cost (€/m) (€/m)
Yes - Storage
activities are
Gas Storage Cugno The project consists in expanding the capacity of the Italian gas storage by means of operated under Permitting problems, leading to possible delays. Budget
Security of Private promoter - Multiple project in different phases: Planned
B. Energy Union Le Macine - an underground gas storage in a depleted field with a capacity of 1000 million cubic a regulatory 600 600 restrictions. Remuneration under regulatory regimes
supply Geogastock
Basilicata Region meter and a withdrawal peak capacity of 10 million cubic meter per day regime unsatisfactory
according EU
Directives for
Yes - Storage
activities are
operated under
Gas Storage The project consists in expanding the capacity of the Italian gas storage by means of a regulatory Multiple project in different phases: Permitting problems, leading to possible delays. Budget
Security of - Under realization
B. Energy Union Bordolano - Emilia Private promoter - STOGIT an underground gas storage in a depleted field with a capacity of 1200 million cubic regime 560 560 restrictions. Long term finance neeed. Insufficient remuneration
supply - Planned
Romagna Region meter and a withdrawal peak capacity of 20 million cubic meter per day according EU under regulatory regime
Directives for
the Energy
Market. The gas
Yes - Storage
activities are
Gas Storage Permitting problems, leading to possible delays. Budget
Security of Private promoter - Italgas The project consists in expanding the capacity of the Italian gas storage by means of operated under Multiple project in different phases: Planned
B. Energy Union Cornegliano - an underground gas storage in a depleted field with a capacity of 1300 million cubic a regulatory 600 600 restrictions. Remuneration under regulatory regimes
supply Storage
Lombardia Region meter and a withdrawal peak capacity of 27 million cubic meter per day regime unsatisfactory
according EU
Directives for
Regulatory issues for the crossborder allocation of cost and
Elettrodotto HVDC The project is included in the company’s 2014-18 environmental authorizations. Long term finance neeed. EU-EIB
B.1 Connection
B. Energy Union di interconnessione Terna TSO Cross- border Interconnection Yes business plan and the authorization procedure has -- its realization compared
financing support would allow to boost
and Production
Italia – Francia been already completed. to the scheduled work plan, with a beneficial impact on
employment and socio-economic recovery.
Interconnessione The project is included in the company’s 2014-18 The EU financing support would allow to boost its realization
B.1 Connection
B. Energy Union HVDC Italia – Terna TSO Cross- border Interconnection Yes business plan and the authorization procedure has --compared to the scheduled work plan, with a beneficial impact
and Production
Montenegro been already completed. on employment and socio-economic recovery.
This is a relevant project, included in the National Transmission
Grid Development Plan, but not yet considered in the 2014-18
business plan, mainly due to a lack of adequate financing
B.1 Connection Sardegna-Corsica- resources in the short-medium term, and authorization
B. Energy Union Terna TSO Cross-border Interconnection Yes - -
and Production Italia procedure issues. The EU financing support would allow the
inclusion of the project in Terna’s business plan and, thus,
boosting its realization, with a beneficial impact on employment
and socio-economic recovery.
Ministry of economic
development, Ministry of
B.1 Connection LNG infrastructure Development and implementation of a national infrastructure for LNG fuel ditribution Under cost benefit analysis for a National Plan for LNG, Establishment of a specific fund for supporting dedicated
B. Energy Union Infrastructures and transport, no 500 500
and Production development at main TEN-T ports, and on main road nodes, for heavy trasnport committed by the italian Parliament investments
Agency for electric energy and
Development of 3 bio refineries for the production of 80.000 ton a year (for each
B.1 Connection biorefinery) bioethanol from lignocellulosic biomasses TPG Capital (Texas Pacific Risky investment related to R&D content and administrative
B. Energy Union Bio-refineries Mossi & Ghisolfi no cost/benefit analysis 900 900 complexity risk sharing mechanism /project bonds and
and Production Group). The technology is Italian and it has been developped by Biochemtex - Gruppo
Mossi e Ghisolfi (M&G) semplification
(i) budget constrains and limited development of the ESCO
B.2 Energy EE in public EE interventions in public buildings to comply with the 3% obligation foreseen under market in Italy; (ii) lack of a stable and long term energy policy;
B. Energy Union ESCOs/Demanio No to be launched 2000 1000
efficiency buildings the EED 2012. (iii) Projects are financed and supported by a variety of sources
and incentives are usually unconsistent and overlapping