Page 534 - ePaper
P. 534
Included in Investment in
Implementing national Total investment
Sector Sub-sector Project name Description Status 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
agency investment plan cost (€/m) (€/m)
The main issues placed at the core of the Cluster
strategy are Biotech, Pharma, Nutraceutical and food
chain, Diagnostic and robotic technologies,
Technologies for quality of life (domotic and assisted
living), Telemedicine and E-Health. The objectives 1) extreme fragmentation of small investments;
Life Science (ALISEI) - coincide with the new concept of Smart Specialization 2) barrier due to the current rules of public accountability
A. Knowledge, SMEs National MIUR, Regions, Strategies, flexible and dynamic innovations in the The Programme is currently partially 3) delays due to multiple actors
and the digital Public-Private R&D Yes financed and is included in the 450 450
economy Technological Clusters Private promoters direction of entrepreneurial discovery, cross national Cluster Initiative 4) public budgetary constraints;
Programme fertilization, and aggregation of persons in possession 5) investment risk profile and credit rationing
of the key skills to meet the technological challenges The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
of the future. The cluster aggregates different subjects
on a national scale, in particular there are 2
entrepreneurial associations, 4 national research
institutions, 12 Regions.
SmartCommunitiesTech is the National Technology
Cluster dedicated to “Technologies 1) extreme fragmentation of small investments;
SMART for Smart Communities”. It develops advanced 2) barrier due to the current rules of public accountability
A. Knowledge, SMEs COMMUNITIES TECH - MIUR, Regions, technological solutions to implement innovative The Programme is currently partially 3) delays due to multiple actors
and the digital Public-Private R&D National Yes financed and is included in the 188 188
economy Technological Clusters Private promoters models for solving social challenges on a urban and national Cluster Initiative 4) public budgetary constraints
metropolitan scale. The Cluster is participated by 100
5) investment risk profile and credit rationing
subjects (medium and large enterprises, research The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
Metroweb is the owner of the licence connected to Barriers: 1) significant investments needs; 2) private operators usually decide to
A. Knowledge, SMEs A.3. ICT the implementation of the broadband infrastructure invest only in larger cities' networks; 3) existence of a partial market failure in the
and the digital Infrastructure Metroweb Private in the main italian cities (i.e.150). One fifth of the total Yes to be implemented 4000 1500 Convergence Regions; Solutions: 1) provision of a tax break; 2) potential eligibility
economy investment amout will be placed in the Convergence to the Project Bond Initiative; 3) possible use of Structural Fund in the
Regions. Convergence Regions' cities;

* Initial phase
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