Page 530 - ePaper
P. 530
Included in Investment in
Implementing national Total investment
Sector Sub-sector Project name Description Status 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
agency investment plan cost (€/m) (€/m)
The main issues placed at the core of the Cluster
strategy are Biotech, Pharma, Nutraceutical and food
chain, Diagnostic and robotic technologies,
Technologies for quality of life (domotic and assisted
living), Telemedicine and E-Health. The objectives 1) extreme fragmentation of small investments;
coincide with the new concept of Smart Specialization 2) barrier due to the current rules of public accountability
A. Knowledge, SMEs National Strategies, flexible and dynamic innovations in the The Programme is currently partially 3) delays due to multiple actors
and the digital Private R&D Technological Clusters MIUR direction of entrepreneurial discovery, cross Yes financed and is included in the 450 450 4) public budgetary constraints;
economy Programme national Cluster Initiative
fertilization, and aggregation of persons in possession 5) investment risk profile and credit rationing
of the key skills to meet the technological challenges The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
of the future. The cluster aggregates different subjects
on a national scale, in particular there are 2
entrepreneurial associations, 4 national research
institutions, 12 Regions.

The National Technology Cluster of “Green Chemistry”
SPRING – Sustainable Processes and Resources for
Innovation and National Growth, has the objective of 1) extreme fragmentation of small investments;
triggering the development of biobased industries in 2) barrier due to the current rules of public accountability
A. Knowledge, SMEs National Italy, through an holistic approach to innovation, The Programme is currently partially 3) delays due to multiple actors
and the digital Private R&D Technological Clusters MIUR No financed and is included in the 1685 1685
economy Programme aimed at revitalising Italian chemistry in the name of national Cluster Initiative 4) public budgetary constraints;
environmental, social and economic sustainability. The 5) investment risk profile and credit rationing
purpose is to stimulate research and investments in The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
new technologies, in constant dialogue with the actors
of local areas, and to pursue the European
The Programme will finance research infrastructures
of international relevance implemented by the
national research actors, among them CNR and
Programme will support, among others, the
establishment of a national central repository of
organic chemicals and the European Spallation Source
(ESS) Infrastructure, the most intense neutron source
to be operating in the world (see below for details
since ESS is one of the projects for which details are
provided in this document). The information is
Public-Private R&D coherently extracted from the PNIR (the National 1) extreme fragmentation of small investments;
A. Knowledge, SMEs (included Research Research Infrastructure Programme) that is currently Planning and investment decision 2) barrier due to the current rules of public accountability
and the digital Infrastructures MIUR under a very advanced state of definition. Yes 3278 1780
economy investments by state - Programme taken, on going activities 3) delays due to multiple actors
owned companies). By offering high quality research services to usersfrom The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
different countries, by attracting young people to
science and by networking facilities, research
infrastructures help structuring the scientific
community and play a key role in the constructionof
an efficient research and innovation environment.
Research Infrastructures, including RI of pan-European
interest such as the European Strategy Forum on
Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) roadmap projects,
represent also an essential component of agenuine
European Research Area since they are the “trading
posts” where Research, Education and Industry, as
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