Page 525 - ePaper
P. 525
Included in Investment in
Implementing national Total investment
Sector Sub-sector Project name Description Status 2015 – 2017 Barriers/solutions
agency investment plan cost (€/m) (€/m)
Development of electronic systems integration on
silicon; Technologies for photovoltaic applications;
A. Knowledge, SMEs Industry (LE & SMEs), Technologies for alternative materials to silicon; project of national table for Lack of long term finance / Risk sharing mechanism
and the digital Private R&D Silicon Technologies Universities, Public no microeletronics (Ministry of 800 800
economy and Private Research integration of heterogeneous technologies; Economic Development) The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
Technologies for sensors; Technologies for "Silicon

"Key enabling technologies " public support incentive Private firms under-investment due to positive spillovers associated to R&D
A. Knowledge, SMEs Ministry of economic scheme in order to promote R&D projets (admissible activities, to uncertainty of developing high technologies, to lack of long term
and the digital Private R&D SMEs R&D development expenditures: 800.000 economy production of new or significantly improved products, crisis, in the R&D Kets private market. A combination of EC grants, EIB - through
processes or services the Banking System - and MS finance as well as private capital is envisaged

Public support incentive scheme related to "Smart
Manufactoring" aiming to promote KETS projects
(admissible expenditures: 5mln A. Knowledge, SMEs Smart and Sustainable Ministry of economic to achieve a significant technological advancement activities, to uncertainty of developing high technologies, to lack of long term
and the digital Private R&D and that are strategical in the national industrial yes Approved , but to be implemented 400 400 finance due to the reduction of investor payback period, in a time of economic
economy Manufacturing development context and to "Italian digital agenda" for ICT R&D crisis, in the R&D Kets private market. A combination of EC grants, EIB - through
/Kets projects of relevant scale (investments between Banking System - and MS finance as well as private capital is envisaged.
5 and 40 mln euro), initiative in line and coherent with
Horizon2020 and European Digital Agenda

and At the moment Italian telecommunication operators have not any investment
Part of the plan on NGA infrastrcture for 100 Mbits connection. Without pubblic investment
Ultrabroadband NGA Networks compliancy to the Project is ready to the public 1200
Ultrabroadband Ministry of Economic European Digital Agenda. Scope of the project is investment is consultation to the stakeholders for the migration the NGA infrasctructure cannot be available in Italy. At moment public finance
ICT Infratsructure ICT Infrastructure envisaged in 7200 cannot assure the total investment in NGA ultra Broadband infratsructres. The
National Plan Development investment in access network in FTTB architecture to structural (operator, Agcom, european to the new 100 total plan is 12 Bn of euros with a partecipation of 50% of private investment.
be opened at the operator for the 100 Mbits services commision etcc..) mbits services
european funds Partnership of pubblic and private operator can guarantee the development of
(demand this project.
Ministry of economic "Smes National Guarantees Fund " public support Access to finance (credit crunch), Basel III constraints, Streamlining of EC
A. Knowledge, SMEs development, banking incentive scheme aiming to grant Smes access to regulation, Deleveraging, Actual business economic cycle, Lack of confidence and
and the digital SMEs Access to finance system, Regional finance (up to a maximum of 80% on a 2.,5 mln euro yes Active 30000 2000 risk taking in the private sector, Smes under-investment. To be coinvested by
Entities loan cut-off level) Structural Funds.
"New Sabatini " public support incentive scheme
A. Knowledge, SMEs oriented to promote Smes fixed instrumental Smes under-investment in the fixed capital asset market due to access finance
and the digital SMEs Finance for machinery Ministry of economic investments (among the others investments on yes Active 7500 7500 barriers and lack of domestic demand.
development, CDP
economy hardware, software and digital technologies are The EIB presently requires sovereign recourse for considering financing
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