Page 285 - ePaper
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Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public EduCloud Ministry of Education and EduCloud is a pioneering operations and technology Yes Construction 0.0 0.0 General lack of funding.
Economy private Culture, CSC – IT Center model in which a national ecosystem is built to unite Ongoing, 2015: Development of
for Science, EduCloud the users and buyers as well as the developers and productizement reusable role management
Alliance, COSS – Centre service providers of educational services. 2016, in use 2017. and SSO authentication
for Open Systems and National financing (3M€). 2016: Need seed
Solutions. Joint effort under preparation, money (4M€) to kickstart
with Estonia. confirmed in 2015. cloud based educational
Estimated: material and service
substantial. Finnish- markets.
Estonian Educloud a
potential pilot project
for future EU-level
cooperation in the
field of education
Surveying, mapping, Geoinformation PPP European Location National Mapping Development of the European spatial data No. The first The first phase of 0.2 0.2 The benefits of the first
geoinformation, planning Framework 2.0 Agency infrastructure and reference data platform. phase of the the process ('ELF phase and vision of the ELF
(ELF 2.0) Interoperability of the national core spatial data sets process 1.0') is running. It will not be fully achieved, if
and the quality of the data will be developed together ('ELF 1.0') has been partly there is no resources for the
with private sector. The project will include several has been funded by the MS next phase.
national subprojects managed by the national mapping partly funded and partly by EC.
agency (or similar). by the MS There is excellent
and partly by possibility to start
EC. The next the next phase
phase of the before 2017.
('ELF 2.0')
has no
funding yet.
Initiative 3.Sustainable Growth
and well-being
3. a Sustainable growth Public R&D public BIOECONOMY Academy of Finland, The research infrastructure aims to utilize renewable Yes Preparatory phase 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
private –research Aalto University, VTT biomass in the development of biobased chemicals, started in 2013, roadmap, however lack of
infrastructure Technical Research fuels, materials and fibres. Construction phase funding (Total investment 28
Centre 2014-2020 M€ and 14 M€ for 2015-
2017); Plan to be included in
European ESFRI Roadmap
Sustainable growth Forest/Chemic private Three (3) first-of-a Industry, the These plants will demonstrate new technology in Yes Planning in 1.0 0.7 Risks with new technology
al/Energy kind demonstration implementing companies industrial setting or are the first commercial scale progress. and lack of capital for SMEs
industries and commercial will be selected in plants to utilise new technology. These plants will Investments taking that can be mitigated with
biorefineries February 2015 through provide valuable experience Europe-wide. place from 2015 public financing
an open international onwards
competition for new
biorefineries in Finland
Sustainable growth Forest/Chemic public New bioeconomy Tekes, Academy of New bioeconomy business ecosystems will be created No Couple of business 2.0 1.0 Solutions: EU level and
al/Energy private business Finland, Finnvera, in Finland utilizing biorefinery as a starting project. ecosystems are global collaboration. Finland
industries ecosystems Finpro, Sitra, VTT, Following projects inside business ecosystems are starting actions, like can act as primus motor,
University of Oulu, 2nd generation of biofuels, food bioprocessing, Metsä Fibre Oy experimentation lab and has
Kokkola Industrial park biobased materials, green mining. Europe can be Äänekoski, Smart huge potential in renewable
leader in global stadardisation and forerunner in Chemistry Park and raw materials and related
innovations. Turku Waste skills and cababilities. New
management innovations in line with new
concept. business ecosystem
Discussions with the development as a possibility
Netherlands and and success factor. Barriers:
with Sweden Regulation, lack of standars.
Economy private Culture, CSC – IT Center model in which a national ecosystem is built to unite Ongoing, 2015: Development of
for Science, EduCloud the users and buyers as well as the developers and productizement reusable role management
Alliance, COSS – Centre service providers of educational services. 2016, in use 2017. and SSO authentication
for Open Systems and National financing (3M€). 2016: Need seed
Solutions. Joint effort under preparation, money (4M€) to kickstart
with Estonia. confirmed in 2015. cloud based educational
Estimated: material and service
substantial. Finnish- markets.
Estonian Educloud a
potential pilot project
for future EU-level
cooperation in the
field of education
Surveying, mapping, Geoinformation PPP European Location National Mapping Development of the European spatial data No. The first The first phase of 0.2 0.2 The benefits of the first
geoinformation, planning Framework 2.0 Agency infrastructure and reference data platform. phase of the the process ('ELF phase and vision of the ELF
(ELF 2.0) Interoperability of the national core spatial data sets process 1.0') is running. It will not be fully achieved, if
and the quality of the data will be developed together ('ELF 1.0') has been partly there is no resources for the
with private sector. The project will include several has been funded by the MS next phase.
national subprojects managed by the national mapping partly funded and partly by EC.
agency (or similar). by the MS There is excellent
and partly by possibility to start
EC. The next the next phase
phase of the before 2017.
('ELF 2.0')
has no
funding yet.
Initiative 3.Sustainable Growth
and well-being
3. a Sustainable growth Public R&D public BIOECONOMY Academy of Finland, The research infrastructure aims to utilize renewable Yes Preparatory phase 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
private –research Aalto University, VTT biomass in the development of biobased chemicals, started in 2013, roadmap, however lack of
infrastructure Technical Research fuels, materials and fibres. Construction phase funding (Total investment 28
Centre 2014-2020 M€ and 14 M€ for 2015-
2017); Plan to be included in
European ESFRI Roadmap
Sustainable growth Forest/Chemic private Three (3) first-of-a Industry, the These plants will demonstrate new technology in Yes Planning in 1.0 0.7 Risks with new technology
al/Energy kind demonstration implementing companies industrial setting or are the first commercial scale progress. and lack of capital for SMEs
industries and commercial will be selected in plants to utilise new technology. These plants will Investments taking that can be mitigated with
biorefineries February 2015 through provide valuable experience Europe-wide. place from 2015 public financing
an open international onwards
competition for new
biorefineries in Finland
Sustainable growth Forest/Chemic public New bioeconomy Tekes, Academy of New bioeconomy business ecosystems will be created No Couple of business 2.0 1.0 Solutions: EU level and
al/Energy private business Finland, Finnvera, in Finland utilizing biorefinery as a starting project. ecosystems are global collaboration. Finland
industries ecosystems Finpro, Sitra, VTT, Following projects inside business ecosystems are starting actions, like can act as primus motor,
University of Oulu, 2nd generation of biofuels, food bioprocessing, Metsä Fibre Oy experimentation lab and has
Kokkola Industrial park biobased materials, green mining. Europe can be Äänekoski, Smart huge potential in renewable
leader in global stadardisation and forerunner in Chemistry Park and raw materials and related
innovations. Turku Waste skills and cababilities. New
management innovations in line with new
concept. business ecosystem
Discussions with the development as a possibility
Netherlands and and success factor. Barriers:
with Sweden Regulation, lack of standars.