Page 289 - ePaper
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Sustainable growth Forestry/Chemi Private Innovative VTT, University of Oulu, Thermochemical biorefineries can be integrated to No Feasibilty study 0 .3 0.3 This integrated production
stry/Metal biorefinery Kokkola Industrial Park chemical and metal industries resulting in may ongoing concept has a large potential
industry integrated to the synergistic advantages over ordinary stand-alone bio- within European industrial
chemical and refinery concepts . The Kokkola industrial park offers sites and it is especially
metal industries of an excellent platform for demonstrating this concept interesting for regions where
Kokkola industrial on industrial scale. Clean wood feedstock is used for there is no large-scale forest
park making high-value products from charcoal, while industries, since the concept
various kinds of biomass residues and wastes are is applicable also to relatively
utilized in the main gasification train producing syngas small biomass resources.
for transport fuels, chemicals and value-added The realization of first-of-a-
products such as lubricants and aromatics. The kind classical bio-refineries
activated charcoal is used for the production of high- has turned out to be
value products, such as adsorbents, catalyst support challenging due to economic
materials and anode materials of lithium Demoplant risks related to large
investments and high
engineering and
commissioning costs. The
integrated refinery concept of
Kokkola can be realized in
several phases, reducing the
investment risks related to
the new technologies.
3.b Social Infrastructure Health public Municipalities- Ministry of Social Affairs Municipalities have public buildings of more than EUR No Request for grants 0.1 0.3
private owned public and Health, Ministry of 5 billion to repair the debt. Of these buildings, building for renovation of
buildings, indoor Education and Culture renovations to support 100 million per year. The grant public building
air quality is provided primarily for repairs to ensure healthy and
improvement. safe indoor climate conditions. The grant would be 15-
25% of the project cost. The grant would include strict
conditions to ensure a good indoor air quality is
ensured. At the same time municipal buildings to
improve indoor air quality and health problems, as well
as their costs are reduced. In addition, the quality of
the renovation practices are becoming more common.
This grant will employ about 80 person-years per
Social Infr astructure Health public Opening national Institute for wellbeing Finland and nordic countries are global leaders in yes Repositories exist 0.5 0.1 National investment existing
private health repositories and Health, National deployment of eHealth. Many national repositories and contain data partially (140 M invested and
for R&D social insurance institute, (health data) exists and new ones are being built depending on 100 million allocated). Futher
University hospitals and (genomic data). Repositories will be opened up for repository from a public investment is needed
biobanks, National R&D activities, which will facilitate new innovations in few years to several to build the infrastructure
innovation agencies, personalised medicine and medical research as a decades. Finnish needed to attract private
ministry level guidance whole. Pharmaceuticals is one identified field, which research collections investments in R&D. Also
from social & health, will benefit from opening of these databases. have large quantities funding for genomic
education & culture, of samples that can reference database is
employment & business be sequenced for insufficient. Legislative
genomic analysis changes need to be
Private participants TBD and combined with implemented (in process)
information in the and ethical principles must
repositories. have a solid basis and they
National strategy for must be enforced.
eHealth 2020
includes this action
stry/Metal biorefinery Kokkola Industrial Park chemical and metal industries resulting in may ongoing concept has a large potential
industry integrated to the synergistic advantages over ordinary stand-alone bio- within European industrial
chemical and refinery concepts . The Kokkola industrial park offers sites and it is especially
metal industries of an excellent platform for demonstrating this concept interesting for regions where
Kokkola industrial on industrial scale. Clean wood feedstock is used for there is no large-scale forest
park making high-value products from charcoal, while industries, since the concept
various kinds of biomass residues and wastes are is applicable also to relatively
utilized in the main gasification train producing syngas small biomass resources.
for transport fuels, chemicals and value-added The realization of first-of-a-
products such as lubricants and aromatics. The kind classical bio-refineries
activated charcoal is used for the production of high- has turned out to be
value products, such as adsorbents, catalyst support challenging due to economic
materials and anode materials of lithium Demoplant risks related to large
investments and high
engineering and
commissioning costs. The
integrated refinery concept of
Kokkola can be realized in
several phases, reducing the
investment risks related to
the new technologies.
3.b Social Infrastructure Health public Municipalities- Ministry of Social Affairs Municipalities have public buildings of more than EUR No Request for grants 0.1 0.3
private owned public and Health, Ministry of 5 billion to repair the debt. Of these buildings, building for renovation of
buildings, indoor Education and Culture renovations to support 100 million per year. The grant public building
air quality is provided primarily for repairs to ensure healthy and
improvement. safe indoor climate conditions. The grant would be 15-
25% of the project cost. The grant would include strict
conditions to ensure a good indoor air quality is
ensured. At the same time municipal buildings to
improve indoor air quality and health problems, as well
as their costs are reduced. In addition, the quality of
the renovation practices are becoming more common.
This grant will employ about 80 person-years per
Social Infr astructure Health public Opening national Institute for wellbeing Finland and nordic countries are global leaders in yes Repositories exist 0.5 0.1 National investment existing
private health repositories and Health, National deployment of eHealth. Many national repositories and contain data partially (140 M invested and
for R&D social insurance institute, (health data) exists and new ones are being built depending on 100 million allocated). Futher
University hospitals and (genomic data). Repositories will be opened up for repository from a public investment is needed
biobanks, National R&D activities, which will facilitate new innovations in few years to several to build the infrastructure
innovation agencies, personalised medicine and medical research as a decades. Finnish needed to attract private
ministry level guidance whole. Pharmaceuticals is one identified field, which research collections investments in R&D. Also
from social & health, will benefit from opening of these databases. have large quantities funding for genomic
education & culture, of samples that can reference database is
employment & business be sequenced for insufficient. Legislative
genomic analysis changes need to be
Private participants TBD and combined with implemented (in process)
information in the and ethical principles must
repositories. have a solid basis and they
National strategy for must be enforced.
eHealth 2020
includes this action