Page 281 - ePaper
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Knowledge and the Digital ICT public Digitalisation Tekes / Ministry of A) Digitalisation as an enabler in renewing business No Part A) is in 1.0 1.0 Solutions: Finland as a
Economy Infrastructure private Employment and the and industry (please see project name "Renewal of implementation leading center of
Economy industry through digitalisation"). B) Digitalisation and planning phase. digitalisation, big data and
services. C) Future technologies (5G, radio hub for ICT standardisation
frequencies). D) Cyber security. and cyber security. Starting
point is that Finland is a
boosting European service
pipeline for the effective
utilisation of digitalisation.
Barriers: The threat is that
Europe falls behind
competitors in productivity
and utilisation of
Knowledge and the Digital ICT infra PPP Arctic Sea Cable joint venture, EU High speed submarine cables already run between no Preparatory 0.8
Economy together with US and Asia and US and Europe, but the increasing phase
interested Arctic and data flow between Europe and Asia requires
Asian countries connectivity improvement. According to some
estimations 278% is the expected growth of direct
traffic flow between Europe and Asia in the next 5
years. The aim of the project is to enable and to co-
finance the construction of the submarine high
speed cable connection through Northeast passage
between Asia and Europe as a joint venture with EU
and interested Artic and Asian countries. When
connected to the Baltic Sea Cable, which is at the
moment under construction, the cables would
provide the most direct and fastest high capacity link
from Europe to Asia. This would provide a
remarkable boost to the data intensive industry
which is emerging together with the development of
industrial internet and wider use of big data.
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public EISCAT 3 D Academy of Finland, EISCAT 3D measures the coupling between the space Yes Planning started in 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
Economy private Incoherent Scatter Sodankylä Geophysical environment and the atmosphere and monitors space 2010, Construction roadmap, however total
Radar System Observatory, University weather effects. Located in Norway, Sweden and phase 2015-2019 investment lacking (Total
of Oulu Finland investment 25 M€ and 10 M€
for 2015-2017)
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public National Digital Ministry of Education and KDK-PAS is a data infrastructure that covers services Yes Construction phase 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
Economy Library Initiative Culture, Academy of for the dissemination, storage, and long-term 2010-2019 roadmap, however lack of
and Long term Finland, CSC – IT Center preservation of digital data funding (Total investment 31
preservation for Science, National M€ and 10 M€ for 2015-2017
project (KDK-PAS) Library
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public National Ministry of Education and Update of the national supercomputer Yes Construction phase 0.1 0.1 Ongoing initiatives for Open
Economy private Supercomputing Culture, Academy of 2010-2019 science and for
infrastructure, Finland, CSC – IT Center digitalizations of higher
FUNET, update of for Science education are hindered due
library systems to lack of funding.
and development Supercomputer included in
of digital education national RI roadmap,
and however lack of funding
resarch (e.g. (Total investment 33 M€ and
Open Science) 13 M€ for 2015-2017);
environments in Prerequisite for participation
Higer education in European supercomputer
institutions system PRACE.
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public BIOECONOMY Academy of Finland, The research infrastructure aims to utilize renewable Yes Preparatory phase 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
Economy private –research Aalto University, VTT biomass in the development of biobased chemicals, started in 2013, roadmap, however lack of
infrastructure Technical Research fuels, materials and fibres. Construction phase funding (Total investment 28
Centre 2014-2020 M€ and 14 M€ for 2015-
2017); Plan to be included in
Eurpean ESFRI Roadmap
Economy Infrastructure private Employment and the and industry (please see project name "Renewal of implementation leading center of
Economy industry through digitalisation"). B) Digitalisation and planning phase. digitalisation, big data and
services. C) Future technologies (5G, radio hub for ICT standardisation
frequencies). D) Cyber security. and cyber security. Starting
point is that Finland is a
boosting European service
pipeline for the effective
utilisation of digitalisation.
Barriers: The threat is that
Europe falls behind
competitors in productivity
and utilisation of
Knowledge and the Digital ICT infra PPP Arctic Sea Cable joint venture, EU High speed submarine cables already run between no Preparatory 0.8
Economy together with US and Asia and US and Europe, but the increasing phase
interested Arctic and data flow between Europe and Asia requires
Asian countries connectivity improvement. According to some
estimations 278% is the expected growth of direct
traffic flow between Europe and Asia in the next 5
years. The aim of the project is to enable and to co-
finance the construction of the submarine high
speed cable connection through Northeast passage
between Asia and Europe as a joint venture with EU
and interested Artic and Asian countries. When
connected to the Baltic Sea Cable, which is at the
moment under construction, the cables would
provide the most direct and fastest high capacity link
from Europe to Asia. This would provide a
remarkable boost to the data intensive industry
which is emerging together with the development of
industrial internet and wider use of big data.
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public EISCAT 3 D Academy of Finland, EISCAT 3D measures the coupling between the space Yes Planning started in 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
Economy private Incoherent Scatter Sodankylä Geophysical environment and the atmosphere and monitors space 2010, Construction roadmap, however total
Radar System Observatory, University weather effects. Located in Norway, Sweden and phase 2015-2019 investment lacking (Total
of Oulu Finland investment 25 M€ and 10 M€
for 2015-2017)
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public National Digital Ministry of Education and KDK-PAS is a data infrastructure that covers services Yes Construction phase 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
Economy Library Initiative Culture, Academy of for the dissemination, storage, and long-term 2010-2019 roadmap, however lack of
and Long term Finland, CSC – IT Center preservation of digital data funding (Total investment 31
preservation for Science, National M€ and 10 M€ for 2015-2017
project (KDK-PAS) Library
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public National Ministry of Education and Update of the national supercomputer Yes Construction phase 0.1 0.1 Ongoing initiatives for Open
Economy private Supercomputing Culture, Academy of 2010-2019 science and for
infrastructure, Finland, CSC – IT Center digitalizations of higher
FUNET, update of for Science education are hindered due
library systems to lack of funding.
and development Supercomputer included in
of digital education national RI roadmap,
and however lack of funding
resarch (e.g. (Total investment 33 M€ and
Open Science) 13 M€ for 2015-2017);
environments in Prerequisite for participation
Higer education in European supercomputer
institutions system PRACE.
Knowledge and the Digital Public R&D public BIOECONOMY Academy of Finland, The research infrastructure aims to utilize renewable Yes Preparatory phase 0.0 0.0 Included in national RI
Economy private –research Aalto University, VTT biomass in the development of biobased chemicals, started in 2013, roadmap, however lack of
infrastructure Technical Research fuels, materials and fibres. Construction phase funding (Total investment 28
Centre 2014-2020 M€ and 14 M€ for 2015-
2017); Plan to be included in
Eurpean ESFRI Roadmap