Page 186 - ePaper
P. 186
No. Sector Subsector Private/Public/ Project name Implementing Description Included Status Total investment Investment in Intended Barriers/ solutions Planned start Planned
PPP agency in national cost 2015 – 2017 for EU of completion
investment Funds implementatio date (year)
plan (yes / no) n (year)
(yes/no) (EUR mil) (EUR mil)
48 Knowledge and Public R&D public / private Science and Technology Park of the Step Ri d.o.o. Extension of existing facilities and services and construction of a new science and No Preparation stage 72 15 No Insufficient funds 2016 2018
digital economy University of Rijeka technology center on a new location. STEP Ri promotes entrepreneurship based on
knowledge and new technologies and commercialization of scientific and technical
work of scientists through: office and laboratory space for start-ups and spin-off
companies and high-quality accommodations for rapidly growing technology and
service companies; training in entrepreneurial skills; business consulting related to
R&D, innovation and support in going to market (go-to-market), with the creation of
new products, services and business models; establishment and promotion of
cooperation between the scientific and business communities; creating opportunities
for the internationalization of business and new markets; providing soft landing
services for foreign companies and their research and development units and creating
a knowledge center for innovation methodology.
49 Knowledge and Public R&D public / private Technology Park Varaždin - Tehnology Park Further development of the Technology Park Varaždin, including the construction and No Preparation stage 52.0 26.0 No Insufficient funds 2016 2018
digital economy Competence Centre for Renewable Varaždin d.o.o. development of a Competence Centre for Renewbale Energies - industrial R&D
Energies focused on applied research and commercialization of research results in the field of
renewable energy. Contribution to the development of technologically innovative
50 Knowledge and Public R&D Public Centre of Competence for Children's Constructing and equipping of the medical research building (in accordance with Yes* FS, CBA, - under 45.0 45.0 Yes 2015 2018
digital economy Translational Medicine at the Hospital EE/green principles of construction) finalisation (by march
Children's Hospital Srebrnjak Srebrnjak 2015)
Tender documentation
(by march 2015) D
51 Knowledge and Public R&D Public Open scientific infrastructural Institute Ruđer Construction and equipping of new building in the Institute Rudjer Bošković. The aim Yes* Draft FS/CBA (end 50.0 50.0 Yes 2017 2020
digital economy platforms for innovative applications Bošković is to improve accessibility of equipment and knowledge services of the IRB to the wider 2014)
in economy and society (O-ZIP) business and science community focusing on the areas in which IRB has strong
research competencies (linked to Smart Specialisation)
52 Knowledge and ICT Infrastructure public / private Development of aggregation Odašiljači i veze Construction of the backhaul portion plus access (middle mile and last mile) of the Yes* Materials for the 980.0 100.0 Yes (1/5 of Insufficient funds 2015 2025
digital economy (backhaul) NGN networks in NGN d.o.o. NGN network in the white (no broadband service) and grey area (existing but non- pre(notification) to EC in total
white and grey areas in Croatia adequate broadband service) terms of state aid investment)
compliance - ready.
FS, CBA, design
studies and permits – to
be prepared / issued. D
53 Knowledge and Education Public E-schools programme Carnet The aim of the project is to complete computerization of 1,400 primary and secondary Yes* 287.3 186.7 Yes (Pilot Insufficient funds 2016 2020
digital economy schools on the Croatian territory with the general aim of contributing to the readiness phase only)
of students for the labor market or further education through digitaly mature schools
(Digital maturity is the willingness of the school and the entire education system to
accept and exploit the potential of information and communication technology (ICT) to
support the improvement of teaching and business processes in schools and the
school system). The project is developing several essential components including
connecting schools to fast and ultra-fast Internet, building local networks in schools,
the development of e-services for business and educational processes, the use of ICT
in teaching, digitization of educational content, acquisition of necessary ICT equipment
for schools and teachers, and the education and support of all stakeholders involved
in the project.

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