Page 182 - ePaper
P. 182
No. Sector Subsector Private/Public/ Project name Implementing Description Included Status Total investment Investment in Intended Barriers/ solutions Planned start Planned
PPP agency in national cost 2015 – 2017 for EU of completion
investment Funds implementatio date (year)
plan (yes / no) n (year)
(yes/no) (EUR mil) (EUR mil)
32 Resources and Natural resources: Public Accumulation Križ potok Hrvatske vode The future reservoir on the Križ stream, lying north-west of the settlement called Lokve Yes In preparation 24.6 8.4 Yes Insufficient funds
Environment efficient and in the basin near Lokvarsko Lake, with an overflow level at 770.20 m above sea level
secure availability and a volume of 9,000,000 m3 of water, can provide new quantities of quality water
for water supply. In that regard, the main purpose of the Križ reservoir is to supply
water, but also to retain high water waves. The Križ stream is the largest left tributary
of the Lokvarka which flows through Lokve and disappears into sink holes. Even
though the Lokvarka is regulated to a large extent, sink holes of insufficient capacity
cause floods in the settlement's lower zones. The constructed reservoir will be able to
receive a 1000-year water wave which will be reduced and flow over in the quantities
that can be received by the sink holes, thus providing flood defence as well. The Križ
reservoir can be constructed by building an earth-fill dam with optimum cross-section,
evacuation facilities and an injection curtain at the selected place where the stream is
dammed. In addition to these basic facilities, an access road and a management
system need to be established as well. In order to ensure water quality, the catchment
area needs to be protected, with special attention given to improvement of the area
affected by the reservoir.
33 Resources and Waste Public Waste Management centre RCGO Waste management centre covers area of 4 counties in the Northwest Croatia Yes* Draft FS / CBA – to be 80.0 64.0 Yes Property issues – 2015 2017
environment management Piskornica Piškornica d.o.o (Koprivničko križevačka, Krapinsko – zagorska, Međimurska and Varaždinska). WMC revised; EIA, partially solved
. includes facility for mechanical biological treatment of waste (capacity of 150.000 environmental permit,
t/year), landfill for treatment of waste, administrative facilities. It also includes location permit –
construction and equipping of two transfer stations within project area. completed
34 Resources and Waste Public Waste Management centre Biljane Eko d.o.o. Waste management centre covers area of Zadar County and partially Lika – Senj Yes* Draft FS / CBA – to be 57.0 57.0 Yes Property issues – 2015 2017
environment management Donje County. WMC includes facility for mechanical biological treatment of waste landfill for revised (contract partially solved
treatment of waste, administrative facilities. It also includes construction and equipping signed);
of four transfer stations within project area. EIA, environmental
permit – completed;
Request for Location
permit – upon
finalisation D
35 Resources and Waste Public Waste Management centre City of Zagrebačlki Facility for thermal treatment of waste Yes* The scope and location 300.0 150.0 Yes Location 2017 2019
environment management Zagreb centar za of the project is still to
gospodarenje be finally decided /
otpadom confirmed.
WM Plan for City of
Zagreb pending. D
36 Resources and Waste Public Waste Management centre Lećevica CGO Lećevica Waste management centre covers area of Split – Dalmatia County. WMC includes Yes* Draft FS / CBA – to be 59.0 41.3 Yes Property issues – 2015 2018
environment management d.o.o facility for mechanical biological treatment of waste landfill for treatment of waste, revised; EIA – partially solved
administrative facilities. It also includes construction and equipping of the 9 transfer completed;
stations within project area. Location permit – not
issued yet D
37 Resources and Waste Public Waste Management centre EKOS d.o.o. za Waste management centre covers area of Osijek – Baranja County, Vukovar – srijem Yes* FS for the setting of the 30.0 24.0 Yes 2016 2018
environment management Antunovac gospodarenje county and partially Brod – Posavina county WM system for the 7
otpadom counties of the
continental part of the
Croatia has been
finalised - this is one of
three sites to be
38 Resources and Waste Public Remediation of location highly Primorsko- Sanation of the Sovjak pit with estimated during which time it is estimated that some Yes* Draft FS / CBA, 53.0 34.5 Yes 2016 2020
environment management polluted by waste ("hot spot") - Sovjak Goranska 250,000 m3 of materials (hazardous, mainly industrial waste) Preliminary design,
county tender documentation,
Municipality EIA pending D
39 Resources and Natural resources: Public Regional water supply Zagreb East Vodoopskrba i Construction / reconstruction of the main water supply pipeline and secondary water Yes* FS/CBA completed, 70.0 70.0 Yes 2015 2019
environment efficient and odvodnja supply network (including pumping stations) in the Eastern part of the Zagreb county partial design studies
secure availability - Zagrebačke (towns: Dugo Selo, Ivanić Grad, Sveti Ivan Zelina i Vrbovec; municipalities Brckovljani, available
Water managment županije d.o.o. Rugvica, Kloštar Ivanić, Križ, Bedenica, Dubrava, Farkaševec, Gradec, Rakovec i

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