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Chapter 2: Investing in human capital and responding to long-term societal challenges
Currie, J. and Almond, D., ‘Chapter 15 European Commission, ‘Adult and con- European Commission, ‘Chapter 2:
— Human capital development before tinuing education in Europe, Using pub- Working age poverty: what policies
age five’, Handbook of Labor Economics, lic policy to secure a growth in skills’, help people finding a job and getting
Volume 4, Part B, 2011, pp. 1315–486. Publications Office of the European out of poverty’, Employment and Social
Union, Luxembourg, 2013b. Developments in Europe 2013, 2014g.
Desjardins, R. and Warnke, A., ‘Ageing and
Skills: A Review and Analysis of Skill Gain European Commission, ‘PISA 2012: EU per - European Commission and OECD semi-
and Skill Loss Over the Lifespan and Over formance and first inferences regarding nar on Human Capital and Labour Market
Time’, OECD Education Working Papers, education and training policies in Europe’, Performance that was held in Brussels
No 72, OECD Publishing, 2012. 2013c, available at on 8 December 2004, available at
Eichhorst, W., ‘The Unequal Distribution pisa2012_en.pdf 1946&langId=en
of Labor Market Risks: Permanent vs.
Temporary Employment’, IZA VEF Bonn, European Commission, ‘Labour market Eurofound, 3 European Company
11 July 2013, 2013. developments 2013’, 2013d. Survey, 2013.
European Commission, Employment in European Commission, ‘Evaluation of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
Europe 2010, 2010. European Strategy 2007-2012 on health and Energy, Germany, National Reform
and safety at work’, Commission Staff Programme 2014.
European Commission, ‘Chapter 6: The Working Document, SWD(2013) 202
skill mismatch challenge in Europe’, final from 31.5.2013, 2013e. Flisi, S., Goglio, V., Meroni, E., Rodrigues,
Employment and Social Developments M. and Vera-Toscano, E., ‘Occupational
in Europe 2012, 2012a. European Commission, ‘Towards Social mismatch in Europe: Understanding
Investment for Growth and Cohesion’. overeducation and overskilling for policy
European Commission, ‘Chapter 4:
Communication from the Commission making’, JRC Science and Policy Reports,
Taxation in the context of the Europe to the European Parliament, the Council, Report EUR 26618EN, 2014.
2020 strategy on employment and the European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of
poverty’, Employment and Social Franceschi, F. and Mariani, V., ‘Flexible
Developments in Europe 2012, 2012b. the Regions. COM(2013) 83 final, of Labour and Innovation in the Italian
20.2.2013, 2013f. Industrial Sector’, Bank of Italy discus-
European Commission, ‘Chapter 1: The sion papers, 2014, available at http://
dynamics of long-term unemployment’, European Commission, Draft Recom- -
Employment and Social Developments in mendation for a Council Recommendation vegni/atti/innovation-in-Italy/Franceschi-
Europe 2012, 2012c. on Germany’s 2014 national reform Mariani.pdf
programme, COM(2014) 406 final from
European Commission, ‘Analysis of costs 2.6.2014, 2014a. Gathmann, C., and Schönberg, U., ‘How
and benefits of active compared to pas- general is human capital? A task-based
sive measures’, study done for DG EMPL European Commission, Draft Recom- approach’, Journal of Labor Economics,
by Ecorys and IZA, 2012d. mendation for a Council Recommendation Vol. 28, No 1, 2010, pp. 1–48.
on Slovakia’s 2014 national reform pro-
European Commission, ‘Tackling long- gramme, COM(2014) 426 final from Gennaioli, N., La Porta, R., Lopez-de-
term unemployment: effective strategies 2.6.2014, 2014b. Sialnec, F. and Shleifer, A., ‘Human
and tools to address long-term unem- capital and regional development’, The
ployment’, Mutual Learning Programme, European Commission, Draft Recom- Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013,
Peer Review Seminar, 2012e, available mendation for a Council Recommendation pp. 105–64.
at on Italy’s 2014 national reform pro-
ngId=en&catId=1072&eventsId=905&f gramme, COM(2014) 413 final from Green, F., Skills and skilled work. An
urtherEvents=yes 2.6.2014, 2014c. economic and social analysis, Oxford
University Press, 2013.
European Commission, ‘The 2012 European Commission, ‘Education and
Ageing Report, Economic and budget - Training Monitor 2014’, at Hanushek, E. A., Schwerdt, G., Wiederhold,
ary projections for the 27 EU Member education/monitor, 2014d. S. and Woessmann, L., ‘Returns to Skills
States (2010–2060)’, European Economy around the World: Evidence from PIAAC’,
2/2012, 2012f. European Commission, ‘Employment and NBER Working Paper No 19762, 2013,
Social Developments in Europe 2013’, available at
European Commission, ‘Special Focus: Chapter 1, particularly section 6, 2014e. w19762
Early childhood education and care
and child poverty, EU Employment and European Commission, ‘Chapter 3: The Harmon, C. and Walker, I., ‘The Returns to
Social Situation’, Quarterly Review, gender impact of the crisis and the gap Education, A Review of Evidence, Issues
June 2013, 2013a. in total hours worked’, Employment and Deficiencies in the Literature’, DEE
and Social Developments in Europe Research Report 254, 2001, at available
2013, 2014f. at
Currie, J. and Almond, D., ‘Chapter 15 European Commission, ‘Adult and con- European Commission, ‘Chapter 2:
— Human capital development before tinuing education in Europe, Using pub- Working age poverty: what policies
age five’, Handbook of Labor Economics, lic policy to secure a growth in skills’, help people finding a job and getting
Volume 4, Part B, 2011, pp. 1315–486. Publications Office of the European out of poverty’, Employment and Social
Union, Luxembourg, 2013b. Developments in Europe 2013, 2014g.
Desjardins, R. and Warnke, A., ‘Ageing and
Skills: A Review and Analysis of Skill Gain European Commission, ‘PISA 2012: EU per - European Commission and OECD semi-
and Skill Loss Over the Lifespan and Over formance and first inferences regarding nar on Human Capital and Labour Market
Time’, OECD Education Working Papers, education and training policies in Europe’, Performance that was held in Brussels
No 72, OECD Publishing, 2012. 2013c, available at on 8 December 2004, available at
Eichhorst, W., ‘The Unequal Distribution pisa2012_en.pdf 1946&langId=en
of Labor Market Risks: Permanent vs.
Temporary Employment’, IZA VEF Bonn, European Commission, ‘Labour market Eurofound, 3 European Company
11 July 2013, 2013. developments 2013’, 2013d. Survey, 2013.
European Commission, Employment in European Commission, ‘Evaluation of the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs
Europe 2010, 2010. European Strategy 2007-2012 on health and Energy, Germany, National Reform
and safety at work’, Commission Staff Programme 2014.
European Commission, ‘Chapter 6: The Working Document, SWD(2013) 202
skill mismatch challenge in Europe’, final from 31.5.2013, 2013e. Flisi, S., Goglio, V., Meroni, E., Rodrigues,
Employment and Social Developments M. and Vera-Toscano, E., ‘Occupational
in Europe 2012, 2012a. European Commission, ‘Towards Social mismatch in Europe: Understanding
Investment for Growth and Cohesion’. overeducation and overskilling for policy
European Commission, ‘Chapter 4:
Communication from the Commission making’, JRC Science and Policy Reports,
Taxation in the context of the Europe to the European Parliament, the Council, Report EUR 26618EN, 2014.
2020 strategy on employment and the European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of
poverty’, Employment and Social Franceschi, F. and Mariani, V., ‘Flexible
Developments in Europe 2012, 2012b. the Regions. COM(2013) 83 final, of Labour and Innovation in the Italian
20.2.2013, 2013f. Industrial Sector’, Bank of Italy discus-
European Commission, ‘Chapter 1: The sion papers, 2014, available at http://
dynamics of long-term unemployment’, European Commission, Draft Recom- -
Employment and Social Developments in mendation for a Council Recommendation vegni/atti/innovation-in-Italy/Franceschi-
Europe 2012, 2012c. on Germany’s 2014 national reform Mariani.pdf
programme, COM(2014) 406 final from
European Commission, ‘Analysis of costs 2.6.2014, 2014a. Gathmann, C., and Schönberg, U., ‘How
and benefits of active compared to pas- general is human capital? A task-based
sive measures’, study done for DG EMPL European Commission, Draft Recom- approach’, Journal of Labor Economics,
by Ecorys and IZA, 2012d. mendation for a Council Recommendation Vol. 28, No 1, 2010, pp. 1–48.
on Slovakia’s 2014 national reform pro-
European Commission, ‘Tackling long- gramme, COM(2014) 426 final from Gennaioli, N., La Porta, R., Lopez-de-
term unemployment: effective strategies 2.6.2014, 2014b. Sialnec, F. and Shleifer, A., ‘Human
and tools to address long-term unem- capital and regional development’, The
ployment’, Mutual Learning Programme, European Commission, Draft Recom- Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2013,
Peer Review Seminar, 2012e, available mendation for a Council Recommendation pp. 105–64.
at on Italy’s 2014 national reform pro-
ngId=en&catId=1072&eventsId=905&f gramme, COM(2014) 413 final from Green, F., Skills and skilled work. An
urtherEvents=yes 2.6.2014, 2014c. economic and social analysis, Oxford
University Press, 2013.
European Commission, ‘The 2012 European Commission, ‘Education and
Ageing Report, Economic and budget - Training Monitor 2014’, at Hanushek, E. A., Schwerdt, G., Wiederhold,
ary projections for the 27 EU Member education/monitor, 2014d. S. and Woessmann, L., ‘Returns to Skills
States (2010–2060)’, European Economy around the World: Evidence from PIAAC’,
2/2012, 2012f. European Commission, ‘Employment and NBER Working Paper No 19762, 2013,
Social Developments in Europe 2013’, available at
European Commission, ‘Special Focus: Chapter 1, particularly section 6, 2014e. w19762
Early childhood education and care
and child poverty, EU Employment and European Commission, ‘Chapter 3: The Harmon, C. and Walker, I., ‘The Returns to
Social Situation’, Quarterly Review, gender impact of the crisis and the gap Education, A Review of Evidence, Issues
June 2013, 2013a. in total hours worked’, Employment and Deficiencies in the Literature’, DEE
and Social Developments in Europe Research Report 254, 2001, at available
2013, 2014f. at