Page 69 - ePaper
P. 69
Social Health private Hospitals on VIPA Detailed list: see appendix no Plans, but yet 2,50 2,50 The list in enclosure
Infrastructure the VIPA no approval for consists of requests, not
waiting list for subsidies yet decided and could
infrastructure therefore be reduced,
subsidies due to lacking budgetary
means and the necessity
to avoid any
overcapacity. Budgetary
problems would
increase, without
attractive EIB-financing.
Strenghtening budgetary
EU-rules also have
hampering effects on the
level of possible

Social Health private Elderly care VIPA Detailed list: see appendix no Plans, but yet 1,00 1,00 The list in enclosure
Infrastructure homes no approval for consists of requests, not
subsidies yet decided and could
therefore be reduced,
due to lacking budgetary
means and the necessity
to avoid any
overcapacity. Budgetary
problems would
increase, without
attractive EIB-financing.
Strenghtening budgetary
EU-rules also have
hampering effects on the
level of possible
investments. Individual
investments by the
different private
operators are moderate
and could hinder EIB-
financing. Therefore, the
implementing agency,
Vipa is willing to set-up
for its-self a role as
fronter : EIB would lend
to Vipa, who would lend -
back-to-back to the
private operators. Vipa
takes up the lead for
controlling and
assembling the financial
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