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Knowledge Private R&D private etheRNA PMV company developing a no investment 0,10 0,02 Large financing
and the Digital disruptive method for decision requirement for an early
Economy modulation of the immune pending final stage project with
system to combat cancer due diligence substantial risk

Knowledge Private R&D private Industrial Department A programme for no A dedicated 0,20 0,10 Good investment
and the Digital (innovation and public- Transformation EWI & PMV transformation of industry is Investment projects for
Economy and private conducted through capital Fund (TINA) transformation through
industrial investment of the public has started. open innovation are
infrastructur investment company PMV The new more risky and require
es) (TINA) in industrial projects investments additional
that are set-up by consortia will be geared coordination.Public
of companies that co-invest towards the resources are limited
in new pilots and new value priorities for while transformation A
chains (Made Different). industrial public-private co-
One of the criteria for public transformation. investment enables risk-
leverage is a connection sharing (and sharing
with international value roadmaps). The
chains; such projects are European leverage
prepared in the industrial through EIB will improve
pilot and demonstration the international
network actions of the complementarities.
Vanguard Initiative for New
Growth through Smart
Specialisation (21 EU

Social Built public Social housing VMSW + locally On going process of Yes On going, 3,10 1,00 The co-funding by
Infrastructure environment program organised extending social-housing although the EIB/EIF will increase the
and urban entities programs needs for the leverage effect of the
services coming period regional funding and
exceeds more project is a Flemish
than 3 mln , contribution to the
an amount construction of a new
which is not yet industrial infrastruce
contracted and
currently under
review, to
verify if this
amount is
and fulfills the
priorities of the
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