Page 63 - ePaper
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Energy Union Connections private Nobelwind Parkwind offshore wind park of development 0,5 0,5 Large financing
and (Colruyt, 165MW (2nd phase of phase, to be requirement. EIB lending
production PMV,…) Belwind) realised in or credit enhancement
2016 instruments might take
away the perceived
higher risk profile of this
project and have it
financed at optimum

Energy Union Connections private Deep SPV Balmatt deep geothermal network (1 development 7,0 0,1 Large financing
and Geothermal GW) phase, to be requirement. EIB lending
production Flanders realised in or credit enhancement
2015 instruments might take
away the perceived
higher risk profile of this
project and have it
financed at optimum
Energy Union Energy public Revolving Vlaams a widely accessible No Further 0,1 0,1 lack of both public and
efficiency in Fund Energy Energieagentsc revolving fund for energy expansion of private financing for
buildings Loans hap efficiency investments for all an existing energy efficiency
dwellings with a poor energy program investments in
performance based on EPC residential dwellings =>
Loan of EIB could
support revolving fund
providing loans to
finance these


Resources and Natural public Closing the Private Plasma Demonstration Plant Yes Project under 0,30 0,05 Lack of financing
Environment resources: private Circle promoter with implementing Enhanced development possiblities given limited
efficient and industrial and Landfill Mining and its key (planning and returns of demonstration
secure European R&D waste and resource permitting) plant due to downscaling
availability consortia upcycling technologies target to go live disadvantages and
demonstrating that landfilled beginning of emerging markets not
waste can be upcycled to 2017 developing rapidly
secondary raw materials and enough (hydrogen,
renewable energy. foamglass and
alternative cements
building products). A
combination of EC
grants, EIB and national
grants/incentives as well
as private capital is
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