Page 74 - ePaper
P. 74
Health Hospitals Public and Plan for the Public and The reconstruction aims at : Yes, partially Some works 1,05 0,347 Barrier:
Private reconstruction Private - enhance patient comfort have already The Belgian federal
and the Hospitals and to create an appropriate begun and government transferred
modernization framework for the work of may be the building investments
of health health professionals in stopped by to the federated entities
infrastructure hospitals; lack of funds. (including the Walloon
- allow the reorganization The other Region) under the sixth
and modernization of cases are State reform. Given the
hospital activity by finalized at the budgetary efforts of the
concentrating on a limited stage of federal government
number of medical sketches and (fiscal consolidation of
implantations to achieve building plans public authorities), the
economies of scale; by architect amounts transferred to
- help boost the economy offices. federal entities can
through investment in the Financial plans cover the investment
construction sector; are mostly costs of the past (33
- create an environment being the year amortisation), but
favourable to the subject of do not allow the
development of a health study. These establishment of a
cluster beyond the borders records have comprehensive plan to
of Wallonia (welcoming been build on a large scale.
foreign patients, given the thoroughly The region has limited
performance of the Belgian examined by investment capacities in
healthcare system). the the coming years, given
Administration its efforts to return to a
of the Walloon balanced budget.
Region and Banking institutions are
have been reluctant to invest in
approved or large construction
are pending for projects. The SEC
approval by the lending limit restricts the
Minister of Walloon regional
Health in the investment policy.

Health Rest Construction Public and This reconstruction plan is Construction 0,17 0,10 The Region is limited in
Houses and expansion private primarily intended to meet plans are its investment ability for
plan of Rest associative the need of the elderly, due finalized. the coming years, given
Houyses and institutions for to an aging population. Projects may its efforts to return to a
institutions for the care of the It aims to diversify the start between balanced budget.
the elderly elderly (Nursing modes of residential care for 2015 and Banking institutions are
homes / Nursing the elderly through the 2017. reluctant to invest in
and care homes creation of care devices large construction
suited for them. projects. The SEC
Finally, this plan, while borrowing limit restricts
meeting societal needs, the Walloon regional
must allow economic policy in terms of
recovery through investments
investments in the
construction sector.

TRANSPORT 4,282 1,948
In order to establish the Walloon project reserve for the EC-EIB-EM Task Force, Wallonia has decided to include a series
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