Page 638 - ePaper
P. 638
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Oil Sector
Energy Oil Petroleum SC “Orlen A project being analysed Yes SC Orlen Lietuva Approx. 0.020 • Investment questions: both parties
products Lietuva” and developed with an has already started 0.085 (Refinery - SC Orlen Lietuva and port
pipeline from together intention to construct a the initial phase of terminal - SC Klaipedos nafta) have to
SC Oren Lietuva with SC gas a petroleum products pipeline project agree on the proportion of investments.
refinery to “Klaipėdos pipeline from AB “Orlen including analysis • Uncertainty of SC Orlen Lietuva
terminal of SC nafta” Lietuva” refinery to the various scenarios future refining and sales volumes of
Klaipedos nafta. oil terminal in Klaipėda, and preparation of petroleum products.
Lithuania (AB project. • Legal barriers in acquiring the
“Klaipėdos nafta”). The Also discussions of servitudes for pipeline track.
pipeline would allow the both entities and
Orlen Lietuva to government are in
decrease it transportation progress regarding
costs and encourage for the investment into
further investments. The the project.
State controlled
transhipment company
Klaipedos nafta would
ensure its long term
activities and the State
would ensure for
viability of the largest
tax payer in the Country.
Energy Oil Building of the SC A project being analysed Yes Technical Up to 0.030 • The current tankers storing the
new petroleum “Klaipėdos and developed in feasibility study. 0.055 bn Lithuanian governmental reserve of oil
product tankers nafta” Lithuania with an EUR for products were built more than 50 years
in the facility of intention to construct building ago; they are not friendly ecologically
SC Klaipedos new petroleum products the new and raise accident risks.
nafta. tankers for the petroleum oil • The financing of the building of
products State reserve product new tankers should be initiated by the
storage and transhipment tankers government but there are no funding
services both for with the programs initiated.
exporting and importing capacity
petroleum products up to 350
in/from Lithuania. thousand
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
Oil Sector
Energy Oil Petroleum SC “Orlen A project being analysed Yes SC Orlen Lietuva Approx. 0.020 • Investment questions: both parties
products Lietuva” and developed with an has already started 0.085 (Refinery - SC Orlen Lietuva and port
pipeline from together intention to construct a the initial phase of terminal - SC Klaipedos nafta) have to
SC Oren Lietuva with SC gas a petroleum products pipeline project agree on the proportion of investments.
refinery to “Klaipėdos pipeline from AB “Orlen including analysis • Uncertainty of SC Orlen Lietuva
terminal of SC nafta” Lietuva” refinery to the various scenarios future refining and sales volumes of
Klaipedos nafta. oil terminal in Klaipėda, and preparation of petroleum products.
Lithuania (AB project. • Legal barriers in acquiring the
“Klaipėdos nafta”). The Also discussions of servitudes for pipeline track.
pipeline would allow the both entities and
Orlen Lietuva to government are in
decrease it transportation progress regarding
costs and encourage for the investment into
further investments. The the project.
State controlled
transhipment company
Klaipedos nafta would
ensure its long term
activities and the State
would ensure for
viability of the largest
tax payer in the Country.
Energy Oil Building of the SC A project being analysed Yes Technical Up to 0.030 • The current tankers storing the
new petroleum “Klaipėdos and developed in feasibility study. 0.055 bn Lithuanian governmental reserve of oil
product tankers nafta” Lithuania with an EUR for products were built more than 50 years
in the facility of intention to construct building ago; they are not friendly ecologically
SC Klaipedos new petroleum products the new and raise accident risks.
nafta. tankers for the petroleum oil • The financing of the building of
products State reserve product new tankers should be initiated by the
storage and transhipment tankers government but there are no funding
services both for with the programs initiated.
exporting and importing capacity
petroleum products up to 350
in/from Lithuania. thousand