Page 633 - ePaper
P. 633
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
final decision for mass
roll-out could be made
after the pilot project is
Energy Electricity 330 kV ETL Ministry of Single circuit 330 kV Yes Pending 0.02 0.0 Barrier: lack of EU financing.
Panevėžys- Energy ETL, ensuring 700 MW
“Mūša” transfer capacity via
Gas Sector
Energy Gas Gas AB Amber Gas interconnection Yes The Project 0.136 0.05 In relation with the project implementation
Interconnection Grid / Gas- Poland-Lithuania is one milestones: (LT side) the excessive burden on consumers due to
Poland – System of the strategic energy 1. Business Case the increase of the gas transmission tariffs
Lithuania S.A. infrastructure projects Analysis (prepared (according to the initial calculations, in
(GIPL) that will ensure in 2011), case that the CEF subsidy is granted, the
diversification of gas 2. Feasibility Study tariffs in Lithuania will increase by 16.5%,
supply to Lithuania and (prepared in 2013), without external support the tariffs in
enable integration of the 3. Securing a Lithuania would increase by 43.1%).
Baltic states into EU gas Project of Common
market. Implementation Interest status
of this project will (2013),
increase Lithuanian 4. Environmental
energy security. Impact Assessment
Diversification of gas (2013–2015)
supply (together with
LNG terminal in
Klaipėda) will allow the
creation of competitive
gas market in Lithuania
which will result in
consumer friendly
The Project is
implemented by AB
Amber Grid and the
Polish Gas Transmission
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
final decision for mass
roll-out could be made
after the pilot project is
Energy Electricity 330 kV ETL Ministry of Single circuit 330 kV Yes Pending 0.02 0.0 Barrier: lack of EU financing.
Panevėžys- Energy ETL, ensuring 700 MW
“Mūša” transfer capacity via
Gas Sector
Energy Gas Gas AB Amber Gas interconnection Yes The Project 0.136 0.05 In relation with the project implementation
Interconnection Grid / Gas- Poland-Lithuania is one milestones: (LT side) the excessive burden on consumers due to
Poland – System of the strategic energy 1. Business Case the increase of the gas transmission tariffs
Lithuania S.A. infrastructure projects Analysis (prepared (according to the initial calculations, in
(GIPL) that will ensure in 2011), case that the CEF subsidy is granted, the
diversification of gas 2. Feasibility Study tariffs in Lithuania will increase by 16.5%,
supply to Lithuania and (prepared in 2013), without external support the tariffs in
enable integration of the 3. Securing a Lithuania would increase by 43.1%).
Baltic states into EU gas Project of Common
market. Implementation Interest status
of this project will (2013),
increase Lithuanian 4. Environmental
energy security. Impact Assessment
Diversification of gas (2013–2015)
supply (together with
LNG terminal in
Klaipėda) will allow the
creation of competitive
gas market in Lithuania
which will result in
consumer friendly
The Project is
implemented by AB
Amber Grid and the
Polish Gas Transmission