Page 634 - ePaper
P. 634
Sector Sub-sector Project name Implementi Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
System Operator GAZ-
Goals of the Project
• integrate the isolated
gas markets of the Baltic
countries into a single
EU gas market,
• diversify gas supply
sources and routes,
• security and reliability
of gas supplies,
• provide access of the
Baltic countries to the
global liquefied natural
gas (LNG) market,
• create preconditions for
a competitive regional
gas market.
Energy Gas LNG small-scale SC A project being analysed Yes Received EU 0.055- 0.055-0.06 • Lack of LNG mature demand in
infrastructure Klaipėdos and developed in financing for 0.06 bn. the region which might cause off-take
and logistics nafta Lithuania with an preparations - EUR issues.
chain in the port intention to construct a started front-end which • High initial infrastructure costs
of Klaipėda. LNG small-scale engineering design includes may lead to high pricing and may not be
infrastructure and (FEED), risk LNG on- competitive on regional and national
logistics chain in the analysis, shore scale.
port of Klaipėda in order environmental reloading • High market entry costs.
to facilitate break-bulk impact assessment, station • Lack of long term financing
cargoes from the EPC contracting for LNG facilities from EU.
Klaipėda LNG terminal. expected to start bunkerin • Lack of EU wide standardization
The mentioned small- during 2015. g and and experience in the sector could lead
scale infrastructure LNG to permitting problems which could
includes LNG on-shore auto- cause delays.
reloading station for trailer • EU support for competing energy
LNG bunkering and trans- sources (for example biomass).
LNG auto-trailer shipment • Lack of EU support for LNG off-
transhipment and a LNG and an takers - LNG marine fuel, on-shore fuel
bunkering and LNG users, off-grid regasification.
ng agency national investme in 2015 –
investment nt cost 2017
plan (yes/no) (EUR (EUR bn.)
System Operator GAZ-
Goals of the Project
• integrate the isolated
gas markets of the Baltic
countries into a single
EU gas market,
• diversify gas supply
sources and routes,
• security and reliability
of gas supplies,
• provide access of the
Baltic countries to the
global liquefied natural
gas (LNG) market,
• create preconditions for
a competitive regional
gas market.
Energy Gas LNG small-scale SC A project being analysed Yes Received EU 0.055- 0.055-0.06 • Lack of LNG mature demand in
infrastructure Klaipėdos and developed in financing for 0.06 bn. the region which might cause off-take
and logistics nafta Lithuania with an preparations - EUR issues.
chain in the port intention to construct a started front-end which • High initial infrastructure costs
of Klaipėda. LNG small-scale engineering design includes may lead to high pricing and may not be
infrastructure and (FEED), risk LNG on- competitive on regional and national
logistics chain in the analysis, shore scale.
port of Klaipėda in order environmental reloading • High market entry costs.
to facilitate break-bulk impact assessment, station • Lack of long term financing
cargoes from the EPC contracting for LNG facilities from EU.
Klaipėda LNG terminal. expected to start bunkerin • Lack of EU wide standardization
The mentioned small- during 2015. g and and experience in the sector could lead
scale infrastructure LNG to permitting problems which could
includes LNG on-shore auto- cause delays.
reloading station for trailer • EU support for competing energy
LNG bunkering and trans- sources (for example biomass).
LNG auto-trailer shipment • Lack of EU support for LNG off-
transhipment and a LNG and an takers - LNG marine fuel, on-shore fuel
bunkering and LNG users, off-grid regasification.