Page 462 - ePaper
P. 462
109 Knowledge ICT ICT hardware Ministry of Renewal of the public administration ICT equipment including the No RFP ready 0.200 0.200 Lack of finance leading to
and the Infrastructure equipment for Administrative Citizens Service Centres’ ICT equipment (personal computers, delays. A project management
digital the Citizens Reform and servers), as well as the operation and maintenance of information unit will supervise the project’s
economy Service Electronic systems of the public sector. ICT planning and implementation
Centres Governance hardware equipment for the 1.064 Citizens Service Centres (CSCs), under the close supervision of
with a view to enhance the quality of services to citizens and
(CSCs), with a businesses. These expenses the Ministry.
view to are not eligible for funding by the Partnership Agreement
enhance the programmes, so they must be covered by the Public Investment
quality of Programme and the regular budget.
services to
citizens and
110 Energy Energy Energy Union- Ministry of Energy efficiency building project (transformation of the premises of No RFP ready 0.010 0.010 Lack of finance leading to
Union efficiency in Energy Administrative the Ministry of Administrative Reform & E-government into an energy delays. A project management
buildings efficiency in Reform and efficiency building-including a ‘green’ roof) unit will supervise the project’s
buildings Electronic planning and implementation
Governance under the close supervision of
(MAREG) the Ministry.
111 Knowledge ICT Upgrading of Ministry of All government institutions are obliged to upload their acts and No RFP ready 0.001 0.001 There is a huge amount of
and the Infrastructure the Administrative decisions on the Transparency Portal. Each document is digitally online documents that are daily
digital “Transparency Reform and signed and assigned a unique Internet Uploading Number (IUN) added to the portal which
economy Portal“, the Electronic certifying that the decision has been uploaded at the “Transparency provides advanced search and
online central Governance Portal”. 4.000 public authorities have reporting functionality with an
platform where (MAREG) published in 4 years 13.000.000 decisions. The current rate of increasing visits rate. Along
uploads is 16.000 decisions per working day.
all Public The project objective is to build on the existing platform and upgrade with this, new functionality and
Sector acts it in order to cover new functionality and the increasing infrastructure new Public Bodies will be
and decisions requirements. added in the platform.
are being The above requirements
published. require an upgrade to the
platform infrastructure
112 Resources Natural a)Water Ministry of Securing water supply exploiting conventional and non conventional A number of First phase 0.08 0.05 Funding shortage
and Resources: supply, Shipping and water resources (desalination) for anhydrous Aegean Islands. Desalination feasibility studies
Environment Efficient and Sewerage the Aegean Completion and operation of sewerage and sewage treatment in installations is completed
secure completion (MSA) the context of an integrated water management plan included in
availability and Sewage NSRF (EΣΠΑ)
treatment for
113 Resources Natural b) Integrated MSA-General Studies and works to maintain and restore natural and built Partly ,in NSRF Feasibility 0.01 0.01 Funding shortage
and Resources: interventions Secretariat for environment in the Aegean Island Complex Studies
Environment Efficient and in traditional the Aegean
secure settlements, and Insular
availability listed policies
buildings and
of the Aegean
and the Infrastructure equipment for Administrative Citizens Service Centres’ ICT equipment (personal computers, delays. A project management
digital the Citizens Reform and servers), as well as the operation and maintenance of information unit will supervise the project’s
economy Service Electronic systems of the public sector. ICT planning and implementation
Centres Governance hardware equipment for the 1.064 Citizens Service Centres (CSCs), under the close supervision of
with a view to enhance the quality of services to citizens and
(CSCs), with a businesses. These expenses the Ministry.
view to are not eligible for funding by the Partnership Agreement
enhance the programmes, so they must be covered by the Public Investment
quality of Programme and the regular budget.
services to
citizens and
110 Energy Energy Energy Union- Ministry of Energy efficiency building project (transformation of the premises of No RFP ready 0.010 0.010 Lack of finance leading to
Union efficiency in Energy Administrative the Ministry of Administrative Reform & E-government into an energy delays. A project management
buildings efficiency in Reform and efficiency building-including a ‘green’ roof) unit will supervise the project’s
buildings Electronic planning and implementation
Governance under the close supervision of
(MAREG) the Ministry.
111 Knowledge ICT Upgrading of Ministry of All government institutions are obliged to upload their acts and No RFP ready 0.001 0.001 There is a huge amount of
and the Infrastructure the Administrative decisions on the Transparency Portal. Each document is digitally online documents that are daily
digital “Transparency Reform and signed and assigned a unique Internet Uploading Number (IUN) added to the portal which
economy Portal“, the Electronic certifying that the decision has been uploaded at the “Transparency provides advanced search and
online central Governance Portal”. 4.000 public authorities have reporting functionality with an
platform where (MAREG) published in 4 years 13.000.000 decisions. The current rate of increasing visits rate. Along
uploads is 16.000 decisions per working day.
all Public The project objective is to build on the existing platform and upgrade with this, new functionality and
Sector acts it in order to cover new functionality and the increasing infrastructure new Public Bodies will be
and decisions requirements. added in the platform.
are being The above requirements
published. require an upgrade to the
platform infrastructure
112 Resources Natural a)Water Ministry of Securing water supply exploiting conventional and non conventional A number of First phase 0.08 0.05 Funding shortage
and Resources: supply, Shipping and water resources (desalination) for anhydrous Aegean Islands. Desalination feasibility studies
Environment Efficient and Sewerage the Aegean Completion and operation of sewerage and sewage treatment in installations is completed
secure completion (MSA) the context of an integrated water management plan included in
availability and Sewage NSRF (EΣΠΑ)
treatment for
113 Resources Natural b) Integrated MSA-General Studies and works to maintain and restore natural and built Partly ,in NSRF Feasibility 0.01 0.01 Funding shortage
and Resources: interventions Secretariat for environment in the Aegean Island Complex Studies
Environment Efficient and in traditional the Aegean
secure settlements, and Insular
availability listed policies
buildings and
of the Aegean