Page 401 - ePaper
P. 401
Sector Subsector Private/Pu Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
blic/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Transport Business private Waterways Federal level Political decision to either expand existing Currently ship modernization is on 1.0 1.0 administrative coordination problems
enablers locks to allow for bigger ship sizes or hold with goods transport moving to (standards, permits)
overhaul locks without expansion. Ship rails and roads due to uncertainty
owners are awaiting decision before fleet about future lock sizes. Expanding
renewals with either smaller or bigger exisiting locks to allow for bigger
ships depending on the outcome. ships would require investments of 1
bn. Euro. Alternatively fleet
modernization with smaller ships
could be encouraged through fiscal
incentives (0.4 bn.)
Transport Business public Pre-Gate Federal level Providing parking and sorting Plans for individual ports are in 0.4 0.4 Administrative coordination problems and
enablers private opportunities for trucks between highways different states of realization. The financing needs. Solution: Creating a
and ports would enable more effective land necessary for developing pre- task force to coordinate work flows and
loading and unloading processes. In gate often lies in different territorial standardization. Development of digital
addition, a common (pan-European) data jurisidictions making the involvement standard should be pushed on European
interface for the registration of trucks of numerous stakeholders necessary. level.
would increase efficiency and safety A lack of coordination between ports
(resting times for truck drivers could be hampers the development of a
optimized). common digital interface for
registering trucks at terminals.
Transport Business private Expansion of Airport Fraport AG Extension of the existing Frankfurt Airport no Plannings are finished. Construction 3.0 1.5 Political decison at federal state level to
enablers Frankfurt: Terminal 3 by a third terminal building can start immediately. re-assess the need of the project.
Transport Urban transport public Tunneling the Mittlerer Ring Municipal level Tunneling part of the Münchner Mittlerer No offen 1.5 0.5 n/a
Munich Rings between Landshuter Aller and
Tegernseer Landstrasse.
Social Education and public Universitiy buildings regional level (NRW) Construction of buildings and No modernisation and reconstruction 1.8 0.5 budget constraints
Infrastructure training accompanying facilities/equipment for within the framework of the
universities of Bonn, Bochum, Dortmund, specialised university construction
Duisburg-Essen, Aachen, Düsseldorf, programme;
Wuppertal, Siegen, Bielefeld, Münster,
Paderborn, Hagen.
Social Health private Establishment of ambulant, private and municipal building of new ambulant, local residential No demand for 5.000 units in NRW until 4.0 1.0 lack of long-term financing; solution seen
Infrastructure local residential initiatives communities due to demographical 2030 in reduced interest rates for investments
communities changes to avoid nursing homes as long
as possible
Social Health private Investments in hospitals privately owned investments in medical equipment No high investment lag in NRW 4.9 2.1 lack of long-term financing
Infrastructure hospitals and
municipality owned
Social Health public Landeslabor Berlin Regional level (Berlin) in tender 0.1 0.1
Infrastructure private Brandenburg
Social Health public Universitätsklinikum Regional level University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein in 0.6 0.3 Financial close: Sept 2014; start of
Infrastructure private Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH) Kiel and Lübeck / Reconstruction and construction: 2015 (6 year construction
refurbishment of the hospital bulidings period) IPEX participation: 0.82 EUR bn

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