Page 404 - ePaper
P. 404
Sector Subsector Private/Pu Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
blic/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Social Built public Restoration of social Federal/regional level The goal of the "social infrastructure 1.5 1.5
Infrastructure environment buidings in cities and regeneration programme" is to help
and urban communities dismantle the municipal investment
services backlog and promote social cohesion and
integration, especially in deprived
neighbourhoods, through the general
refurbishment of public buildings. The
support will fund the comprehensive
modernisation of public buildings (also
incorporating, e.g., energy upgrades and
heritage conservation law) and facilities of
the Länder or local authorities (e.g.
kindergartens, schools and universities,
hospitals and other services of general
public interest).
Social Built public Police Headquarters Regional level (NRW) in tender 0.1 0.1
Infrastructure environment private Aachen
and urban
Social Built public Police Headquarters Regional level in tender 0.1 0.1
Infrastructure environment private Southeast Hesse (Hessen)
and urban
Resources and Natural private Carbon monoxide pipeline Private Connecting chemical industry sites The pipeline is built but not yet 0.1 ongoing multi-year judcial processes
Environment resources: operational due to judicial and
efficient and administrative barriers.
Resources and Resilience to public National Flood Protection Federal/regional level Flood protection measures are large Decision Conference of German 5.4 0.8 Main barriers for the measures´
Environment Climate Programme scale building projects. As they protect Environment Ministers 2014 Oct 24th implementation are financing and
Change regions from major disasters they support duration of proceedings. Potential for
all sectors mentioned in Annex 1, improvement is currently under
especially transport, social infrastructure discussion.
as well as resources and environment.

Resources and Resilience to public Infrastucture for alternative Federal/regional/munic To build a comprehensive infrastructure no political discussion 1.0 1.0 financial barriers
Environment Climate private fuels ipal level for alternative fuels private investors need
Change to be incentivised.

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