Page 394 - ePaper
P. 394
Sector Subsector Private/Pu Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
blic/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment cost 2017
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)

Knowledge and ICT private Digitisation of road transport Federal level Digitisation of road transport to improve Different elements of digitized vehicle 0.3 Lack of a common standard and
the Digital Infrastructure traffic guidance. traffic are already being tested. investment need in digital infrastructure.
Economy Federal highway already feature fiber Defining certain frequencies for traffic
cable to a large extent. related data flows will enable further
Energy Union Connections private Connecting off-shore Private Connecting off-shore windparks. 5.0 technological and administrative burdens
and production windparks
Energy Union Connections private Crosslinks in the offshore- Federal level Grid connections to offshore windparks Under assessment within the national 0.2
and production grid are usually single connection (onshore to network development plan.
one windpark). To increase grid reliability,
cross-linking sections between the
various onshore-to-offshore connections
are needed. This has already been done
in the Baltic Sea where the well
established alternating current technology
is in use. In the North Sea wind parks are
being connected via the new direct
current technology making cross-linking
connections more costly.

Energy Union Connections private Deutsche Bucht (Offshore Private Offshore windpark development 1.0 technological risks
and production windpark)

Energy Union Connections private Nordsee 1 (Offshore private developers Project financing (up to 0.15 EUR bn) / 1.2 Start of construction: Feb 2016 IPEX not
and production windpark) main sponsor is Northland Power (RWE yet officially mandated
developed the project and will remain
minority sponsor holding 15 %)
Energy Union Connections private Sandbank (Offshore private developers Offshore windpark 1.3 technological risks
and production windpark)
Energy Union Connections public Renewable Energy - Federal level with regional cooperation projects together projects can be developed based on 3.0 0.7 financial support by EIB (soft loans,
and production private regional cooperation cooperating MS with other neighboruing countries, i.e. e.g. the concept developed for the PV grants) would be of particular importance
projects - Offshore wind 400 MW wind offsohore park with pilot and according to financial since EEG opening for the time being
northsea neighbours ressources only possible for PV pilot tender; but
need to start enhanced regional
cooperation already now; much higher
overall financial costs
Energy Union Connections private Wind farm I Private Finance of a Windpark in Germany Bidding 0.3 0.3 German Investment Code (KAGB) does
and production through a Luxembourg investment vehicle not offer suitable investment vehicle.
Changes in KAGB to enable investment
via vehicle under KAGB
Energy Union Connections public Wind farm II Municipal company Finance of a small Windpark Canceled 1.5 1.5 Rating of the borrower too low. Possible
and production private solution could be a guarantee from a
higher rated institution or a credit
enhancement by such an institution
(similar to EIB project bonds).

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