Page 219 - ePaper
P. 219
List of Projects - Transport
Sector Subsector Private/Publi Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
c/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment 2017
plan costs
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Transport Corridors and Public D11 HRADEC Ministry of Part of the core TEN-T network, priority project Yes - Valid zoning permits, 90% of land 0.45 0.18 Financing from CEF was originally envisaged by
Missing Links KRÁLOVÉ - Transport / State according to the Transport Sector Strategies (TSS), sectorial purchased, individual building permits the TSS, but it was not accepted by DG MOVE.
(Road JAROMĚŘ Fund for 23 km, and part of the strategic link of CZ and PL by are being requested, tender Other financing resources need to be found.
Infrastructure) Transport the north-south axis, substantial socio-economic documentation for tender is being The risks can emerge during the rest of legal
Infrastructure (faster and safer connection, support for the mutual prepared, archaeological survey will procedure in terms of property, obtaining the
CZ-PL trade) impact is therefore expected. start in 2015, the construction in 2016. building permit, delays can occur during the
Economic efficiency of the completion tender for contractor.
of D11 proved within the feasibility
Transport Corridors and Public R7 TRIANGLE - Ministry of Planned expressway connecting Prague and Yes - Valid zoning decisions for most of the 0.3 0.11 Expressway R7 is not part of TEN-T, sources
Missing Links SLANÝ Transport / State structurally affected region of North Bohemia with sectorial route, preparing to obtain the building from cohesion funds (OP Transport 2014 –
(Road Fund for high level of unemployment. It is a secondary permits, economic efficiency of the 2020) cannot be used. No currently available
Infrastructure) Transport connection of Prague and Chemnitz/Leipzig area completion of the road proved within resources have been identified. Risks can
Infrastructure (DE) – important for mutual CZ-DE trade. The the feasibility study. emerge during the completion of preparation
completed expressway will contribute to the socio- and finishing the tenders for contractors for
economic development of the lagging behind region individual sections, PPP project has not been
of North Bohemia and leverage additional private considered.
investment to the region. The modernization was
completed in the section of industrial zone
TRIANGLE – state border (40 km). 36 km remain to
be constructed. Furthermore, current I/7 road shows
a high accident rate.
Transport Corridors and Public TEN-T Ministry of In connection of the completed parts of TEN-T, it is Yes - Individual first-class roads in direct 0.6 0.4 Within the TSS, lack of financing for the first-
Missing Links CONNECTION Transport / State necessary to upgrade individual important road sectorial connection to TEN-T network. class roads was indentified, although the
(Road PROGRAM Fund for infrastructure, that bring substantial transport flows to Prepared projects of the first class projects are often well prepared and very
Infrastructure) Transport TEN-T network and serve as interconnections roads are lacking sufficient funds: In necessary. Absorption capacity can be even
Infrastructure between individual parts of TEN-T. The project will particular these roads are prepared to higher than provided funds. Risks can derive
facilitate better interconnections between the be implemented: I/3 Olbramovice, I/19 from the completion of projects within the
municipalities and regions. Chýnov, I/21 Nová Hospoda (D5) – programme and successful finishing the tenders
Kočov, I/27 Šlovice (D5) – Přeštice, for contractors.
Úpravy na I/35 in CZ/SK boarder
area, I/37 Chrudim, I/53 Lechovice.
List of Projects - Transport
Sector Subsector Private/Publi Project name Implementing Description Included in Status Total Investment Barriers/solutions
c/PPP agency national invest- in 2015 –
investment ment 2017
plan costs
(yes/no) (EUR bn) (EUR bn)
Transport Corridors and Public D11 HRADEC Ministry of Part of the core TEN-T network, priority project Yes - Valid zoning permits, 90% of land 0.45 0.18 Financing from CEF was originally envisaged by
Missing Links KRÁLOVÉ - Transport / State according to the Transport Sector Strategies (TSS), sectorial purchased, individual building permits the TSS, but it was not accepted by DG MOVE.
(Road JAROMĚŘ Fund for 23 km, and part of the strategic link of CZ and PL by are being requested, tender Other financing resources need to be found.
Infrastructure) Transport the north-south axis, substantial socio-economic documentation for tender is being The risks can emerge during the rest of legal
Infrastructure (faster and safer connection, support for the mutual prepared, archaeological survey will procedure in terms of property, obtaining the
CZ-PL trade) impact is therefore expected. start in 2015, the construction in 2016. building permit, delays can occur during the
Economic efficiency of the completion tender for contractor.
of D11 proved within the feasibility
Transport Corridors and Public R7 TRIANGLE - Ministry of Planned expressway connecting Prague and Yes - Valid zoning decisions for most of the 0.3 0.11 Expressway R7 is not part of TEN-T, sources
Missing Links SLANÝ Transport / State structurally affected region of North Bohemia with sectorial route, preparing to obtain the building from cohesion funds (OP Transport 2014 –
(Road Fund for high level of unemployment. It is a secondary permits, economic efficiency of the 2020) cannot be used. No currently available
Infrastructure) Transport connection of Prague and Chemnitz/Leipzig area completion of the road proved within resources have been identified. Risks can
Infrastructure (DE) – important for mutual CZ-DE trade. The the feasibility study. emerge during the completion of preparation
completed expressway will contribute to the socio- and finishing the tenders for contractors for
economic development of the lagging behind region individual sections, PPP project has not been
of North Bohemia and leverage additional private considered.
investment to the region. The modernization was
completed in the section of industrial zone
TRIANGLE – state border (40 km). 36 km remain to
be constructed. Furthermore, current I/7 road shows
a high accident rate.
Transport Corridors and Public TEN-T Ministry of In connection of the completed parts of TEN-T, it is Yes - Individual first-class roads in direct 0.6 0.4 Within the TSS, lack of financing for the first-
Missing Links CONNECTION Transport / State necessary to upgrade individual important road sectorial connection to TEN-T network. class roads was indentified, although the
(Road PROGRAM Fund for infrastructure, that bring substantial transport flows to Prepared projects of the first class projects are often well prepared and very
Infrastructure) Transport TEN-T network and serve as interconnections roads are lacking sufficient funds: In necessary. Absorption capacity can be even
Infrastructure between individual parts of TEN-T. The project will particular these roads are prepared to higher than provided funds. Risks can derive
facilitate better interconnections between the be implemented: I/3 Olbramovice, I/19 from the completion of projects within the
municipalities and regions. Chýnov, I/21 Nová Hospoda (D5) – programme and successful finishing the tenders
Kočov, I/27 Šlovice (D5) – Přeštice, for contractors.
Úpravy na I/35 in CZ/SK boarder
area, I/37 Chrudim, I/53 Lechovice.