Page 8 - Mobile World Daily - Day 4
P. 8


NEWS IN BRIEF...                 Collaboration key to financial inclusion

KT and Nokia                     By Joanne Taaffe                          week announced an agreement with
to set up IoT lab
                                 The spread of both higher                 the Egyptian government to develop
South Korea’s KT and Nokia               speed mobile connectivity and
have agreed to set up an                 smartphones is enabling the       mobile financial services linked to
Internet of Things (IoT) lab     use of more sophisticated financial
and LTE-M test site on the       and information services in the           national ID cards, called for the
operator’s premises. The         developing world. But greater cross-
two-year agreement aims to       sector collaboration will be essential    building of private public
develop new business             if financial services in particular are
models covering converged        to spread, according to speakers at       partnerships (PPP).
IoT solutions as well as the     the ‘Innovating for Inclusion’ keynote
automotive industry.             at Tuesday’s Congress.                    “Partnerships              between
The two companies also
agreed to collaborate on 5G,       Mobile operators in developing          governments and the private sectors
including standardisation        countries have launched a number
activities and 5G trials         of successful payment and financial       are going to be a big factor of
during the Winter Olympics       services. But the CEOs of
in PyeongChang in 2018.          Mastercard and the Hong Leong             growth … [in] financial inclusion,”
                                 Islamic Bank are calling for greater
Indosat sets                     collaboration to open financial           said Banga: Governments provide
up ad exchange                   services even further.
                                                                           on average approximately 30 per
Indosat launched the                “Financial inclusion is a massive
Indonesia Mobile Exchange        undertaking and the only way we           cent of the income of those people
(IMX) in partnership with        can meet it … is together …” across
Smaato, a global mobile ad       governments, industries and               in developing countries who are
exchange. IMX is a mobile-       platforms, said Ajay Banga,
first, real-time bidding         president & CEO of Mastercard.            excluded from financial services, he
advertising platform.
Indosat’s existing mobile           Currently 2.5 billion people, or half  said.
advertising offering, i-klan,    the world’s population, do not have
which currently sits within      access to a bank account, according       Raja Teh Maimunah, MD & CEO
its digital services unit, will  to Banga, who said mobile money
become part of the joint         services in developing countries          at Hong Leong Islamic Bank,
venture.                         need to move away from operating in
                                 silos. Instead Mastercard, which this     agreed that mobile-based services
Ericsson teams
up with KT on                                                              will be key to broadening the reach
5G research
                                                                           of financial inclusion and need to
Ericsson and KT this week
signed an agreement to                                                     be based on partnerships.
work together to develop
next-generation network                                                    However, Maimunah also                   However, even though mobile
technologies. The                                                                                                 phone penetration is high in the
collaboration will cover 5G                                                admitted that “financial institutions  countries in which the bank              “Financial
network architecture, small                                                                                       operates, differences in the level       inclusion is a
cells, heterogeneous                                                       are not very agile … and are the       of smartphone penetration                massive
networks and massive                                                                                              between, for example, Vietnam,           undertaking and
connectivity for the Internet                                              slowest or the last to adapt to this   Malaysia and Indonesia, affects          the only way we
of Things (IoT). The two                                                                                          the services the bank can                can meet it … is
companies said they aim to                                                 change.” Nor are mobile operators      partner to introduce. “We need           together”
help lead the 5G evolution                                                                                        cheaper phones and we need
by jointly working on                                                      necessarily quick to partner. Once     [people] to move to
standardisation, spectrum                                                                                         smartphones,” she said.
strategies and network                                                     they do, however, Maimunah sees
deployment scenarios.
                                                                           benefits, describing a collaboration
ZTE, China
Mobile demo                                                                with Telekom Indonesia that
massive MIMO
                                                                           resulted in remittances costing
ZTE is jointly exhibiting its
3D/massive multiple-input                                                  people 20 per cent of what they had
multiple-output (MIMO) base
stations with China Mobile                                                 previously paid to agencies.
at Mobile World Congress.
The pre-5G base station          By Saleha Riaz                            Privacy laws                                                                    willing to contribute to make it
uses massive MIMO to                                                       need to support                                                                 more meaningful.
support 64 ports and 128         Panellists at the ‘Ensuring               innovation
antennas. By integrating the             User-Centred Privacy in a                                                                                           The panellists agreed that all
baseband, radio frequency                Connected World’ session          data from leaving Europe’s borders.    that of privacy policies that all users  companies needed to be
units and antennas, it           this week discussed the need for            “This framework hasn’t even          claim to have read but hardly any do.    transparent about their policies,
requires only a third of the     companies to have privacy policies                                                                                        because if only some were, users
installation space of            that are simple for consumers to          been adopted yet and it is already       According to Denelle Dixon-            were likely to become sceptical of
traditional mobile base          understand, and called for laws that      outdated,” he commented, adding        Thayer SVP, business and legal           them all, making collaboration
stations, the vendor said.       protect individual data while also        that laws must consider not only       affairs at Mozilla, they should be as    across companies on privacy
                                 supporting innovation.                    the privacy of citizens but also       simple as possible, in bullet points if  essential.
                                                                           “appreciate the evolution of           needed, and written as if for “ninth
                                   There are 105 laws expected to          technology and the value of data.”     graders.”                                 “Laws need to be less
                                 govern data around the world, and                                                                                          about unworkable
                                 they are specific to countries,             “Laws need to be less about            Moreover, “if users understand the      principles and more
                                 whereas data does not care about          unworkable principles and more         value exchange, they will be more         about supporting
                                 borders, session moderator Pat            about supporting innovation in a       comfortable sharing data,” she said.      innovation in a
                                 Walshe, director, privacy,                fair and sustainable way,” he said.                                              fair and sustainable
                                 government & regulatory affairs at                                                 Ustaran took this a step further        way”
                                 the GSMA, said.                             Another much discussed topic was     and said that users may even be

                                   Eduardo Ustaran, partner at law
                                 firm Hogan Lovells, said in a year’s
                                 time there will be a law that will ban

                                 Qualcomm takes fingerprint                                                                                                  The company said it is designed
                                 biometrics from 2D to 3D                                                                                                  to improve the interoperability
                                                                                                                                                           among online devices and
                                 By Joseph Waring                          fingerprint technologies. The          allowing for greater accuracy,           addresses the challenge of creating
                                                                           Snapdragon Sense ID 3D platform        privacy and stronger                     and remembering multiple
                                 Qualcomm on Monday                        supports a fingerprint scanner that    authentication.                          usernames and passwords.
                                           introduced a 3D fingerprint     uses sound waves to penetrate the
                                           authentication platform         outer layers of skin to detect 3D        The platform consists of a               It is being introduced in
                                 based on ultrasonic technology that       details, such as ridges and sweat      Qualcomm biometric integrated            conjunction with the Snapdragon
                                 improves security and eliminates          pores.                                 circuit, custom sensor technology        810 and Snapdragon 425
                                 the need for passwords.                                                          and algorithms managed by                processors and is designed to be
                                                                             Raj Talluri, Qualcomm’s senior       SecureMSM technology. It is based        compatible with all Snapdragon
                                   The chipmaker claims it’s the first     VP of product management, said         on the FIDO (Fast IDentity Online)       400, 600 and 800 series processors.
                                 ultrasonic-based biometrics sensor        the use of ultrasonic technology       Alliance Universal Authentication
                                 and improves upon touch-based             evolves biometrics from 2D to 3D,      Framework specification.                   Snapdragon Sense ID 3D is
                                                                                                                                                           expected to be available in
                                                                                                                                                           commercial devices later this year
                                                                                                                                                           and is already in various sampling
                                                                                                                                                           stages with major OEMs.

PAGE 8 Thursday 5th March                                                                       MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |
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