Page 4 - Mobile World Daily - Day 4
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Q&A r Telenor’s Baksaas has
roaming on his mind
Kevin Petersen,
AT&T Digital Life President By Ken Wieland
Everything connected: Jon Fredrik Baksaas, Telenor affordability”. For Baksaas, that 700MB for approximately SEK 200,
Enabling IoT Group CEO, said 70 per cent of means starting with the home which compares approximately with
the operator’s customers package and using those price the price cap of €0.20 per MB as
Hall 4 – Conference Village – Auditorium 2 switch off data roaming when structures abroad. regulated by the EU.
Thursday, 5 March, 11:30-13:00 travelling abroad. His aim, however,
is to increase data roaming usage to Telenor Sweden was the first Telenor Norway is expected to be
What are your key themes in the Internet of Things session today? 80 per cent over the next two years, company within the Telenor Group to the next business unit to introduce
Everyone is looking to see what AT&T Digital Life is doing as it relates to the so only 20 per cent of roaming launch a new data roaming package. new data roaming packages during
connected home. I’m going to talk about moving to an open-standards, traffic wings its way over Wi-Fi the second quarter.
managed platform and how Digital Life is taking advantage of innovation in the networks. In January, Telenor started offering
marketplace, broadening the Digital Life solution and providing a “unified” Swedish consumers a SEK 29 (€3.1) "The move from voice to data is
experience for customers and solution providers. “When you are sitting here, you 100MB data package per day on and we need to deliver
are probably more dependent on covering all of Europe. This means affordable, simple and predictable
What do you see as the role of telecom operators in the IoT space? Wi-Fi capacity than mobile that a Swedish customer travelling to data services to our customers
From an AT&T perspective, we are providing an end-to-end (E2E) platform that connections, and naturally so,” Barcelona for one week will get when travelling,” said Baksaas.
enables a unified experience across a wide range of devices and one-off Baksaas told those attending
capabilities in the market today. There’s a lot of noise in the marketplace that Telenor Group’s media seminar on
can make it complicated for a consumer or a business to make sense of this Tuesday at Mobile World Congress.
notion of the Internet of Things. It is important for us to show real benefits, “But in the future we want to get rid
whether you’re a consumer or business. of [bill shock], so that mobile
systems basically serve us. They
As a carrier with a legacy of innovation and experience in integrating devices deliver better peer-to-peer
and platforms, we can connect the dots and demonstrate how your home can connectivity, better security and
easily connect to your car or wearable and why that matters. better privacy in the long run.
That’s our firm belief.”
What will be the hardest part?
The biggest challenge will be integrating all the parts in terms of providing an Removing the bill shock
E2E solution that is predictable and reliable. phenomenon needs new pricing
initiatives to “create a new level of
What can we expect from A&T in the short-term? Wi-Fi Alliance outlines reached 2.5 billion.
Our short-term goal is to provide customers with more choices in the devices opportunities and The 3GPP is already carrying out
and capabilities they can use with our platform. Delivering personalised home risks with LTE-U
automation, security and energy efficiency solutions for global and US carriers work on LTE-U; Figueroa said
continues to be a top priority. By Anne Morris that the technology represents an discussions between the mobile
opportunity for both the Wi-Fi and technology standards body and the
How will this impact the average consumer? Plans to operate LTE networks mobile camps to work on co- Wi-Fi Alliance have already begun.
Whether it’s a home or car or a shipment travelling around the globe, connecting in the unlicensed 5GHz band existence in the unlicensed bands. “We are poised to have good
these “things” can simplify the way we interact and make life and business more got a good airing at this discussions,” he added.
efficient. Digital Life aims to provide the customer with control and convenience. year’s Mobile World Congress, but The Wi-Fi Alliance has stressed
The Internet of Things could tell you that your elderly family member woke up, the Wi-Fi Alliance continued to that there is a risk that LAA, and The Wi-Fi Alliance said it is
turned on the kitchen light, opened the pantry, started the coffee pot and opened reiterate its warning that early especially pre-standard systems generally agreed in principle that
the utensil drawer. Your “things” will take care of you and your loved ones, giving deployments of the technology deployed ahead of coexistence fair sharing of the unlicensed
you peace of mind and unique insights to help you manage your day. entail as much risk as opportunity. work being done in the industry, spectrum band is required, but
will negatively impact billions of emphasises that there needs to be
Mobile security failing Speaking to Mobile World Daily, Wi-Fi users who rely on 5GHz for further work from all parties to
consumers and enterprises Edgar Figueroa, the president and networking and device address this risk in practice.
CEO of the Wi-Fi Alliance, said connectivity.
By Saleha Riaz and Joanne Taaffe electronically to all its citizens – standardisation work for LTE- Figueroa also noted that Wi-Fi in
including electronic voting -- does Unlicensed (LTE-U) or LTE-LAA Figueroa noted that around one general is of growing importance to
The mobile industry and its not trust mobile phones. Instead it (licensed assisted access) is still at a billion Wi-Fi devices on the 5GHz mobile network operators, and not
partners are failing to provides its citizens with a physical nascent stage, although he noted band were shipped in 2014, while just for offloading data. He said we
provide the ID and security electronic ID card. total Wi-Fi device shipments are “at the dawn” of Wi-Fi and
features needed for new services. mobile networks being integrated,
And that failure is having an “Trust is important … and you “Why does a multinational could be displayed on a single page with operators also now having
economic impact on businesses and can’t trust [smartphones]. Phones company collect this information on of a mobile phone. Private access to a list of requirements that
exposing consumers to risk that are not trustable enough. If our a ten-year old child?” asked Kovacs. individuals are not the only ones at enables them to provide carrier-
could affect service uptake, people don’t trust digital services increased risk. grade Wi-Fi services.
according to speakers at yesterday’s then we are screwed as we cannot “User policies say what we’re
keynote session serve all those people physically,” going to do to you – not how to The growth of the Internet of year,” according to Krzanich, who
said the CIO of Estonia’s protect yourself,” he said. And they things promises to make enterprise said “it costs on average 31 days to
“It hits our bottom line,” said government, Taavi Kotka. are hard to read -- the Carnegie security even harder to manage. remediate after a [security] breach.”
Gary Kovacs, CEO of AVG, citing a Mellon University estimated it would
survey by his company that showed AVG is calling for the industry to take 76 days to read the privacy Increased mobile transactions “Every one of you is a point of
90 per cent of those surveyed were make it clear what consumers are policies related to two weeks of mean “the attack surface has attack,” said Patrick Gelsinger, CEO
concerned by security online and agreeing to when downloading an Kovacs’ own Internet usage. increased,” said Brian Krzanich, the of VMWare. “Security must be built
72 per cent were not happy to have app or signing up to a service. CEO of Intel. In the future there will into the underlying infrastructure,”
to share information to download Downloading a mobile game for “The digital revolution has be “a much larger and much said Gelsinger.
an application. children can mean a child signing happened … it’s time for a trust different surface than even exists
away access to their messaging, revolution,” said Kovacs. today,” said Krzanich. For Intel that means enterprises
Even Estonia’s government, GPS information and contacts on need to move away from plugging
which has developed a digital ID the phone, said Kovacs. Kovacs called on companies to Already “80 per cent of all holes in security towards improving
card so that it can provide services create simple user policies that enterprises will be breached this identification of people connecting
to networks and detecting unusual
traffic flows. “A password is not
enough … it needs more about you
to ensure it’s you,” said Krzanich.
PAGE 4 Thursday 5th March MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS DAILY 2015 |