Page 3 - Mobile World Daily - Day 4
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Let’s enjoy 4G and                                                                                                                                               Bell
not rush 5G, says                                                                                                                                                Labs
Orange CEO                                                                                                                                                       chief
By Saleha Riaz                           the company isn’t “deeply                                                                                               5G hype
                                         committed” to 5G and to the ‘public
The Internet of Things (IoT)             private partnership’ of the                                                                                             By Ken Wieland
        will become the “internet of     European Commission, he said.
        everything” with the advent                                             the world better through sensors,       facilities these new usages and          Bell Labs president Marcus
of 5G, said Stephane Richard, CEO          In fact, the company believes that   capture and understand specific         “shape a greater world,” he added.               Weldon, who is also CTO of
of Orange, speaking at the “Road to      5G is different from 4G because it     situations and become more aware.                                                        Alcatel-Lucent, poured
5G” keynote yesterday morning,           will have a “greater and different     For instance, autonomous cars will         Richard also believes 5G must         scorn on competitors’ “ridiculous
explaining his vision for a new          purpose” and needs to have             communicate not just with other         have green as part of its very DNA,
horizon for the IoT era.                 flexibility so that it can             cars but with parking lots, roads and   ensuring that all aspects of 5G,         marketing” of 5G, refusing to be
                                         accommodate services that have         petrol stations.                        from access networks, data centres
  However, he believes that there is     yet to be invented.                                                            and transport network to connected       sucked into the game of headline-
no rush: “4G is a success, let’s enjoy                                            “Our role as operators is to use      devices only consume energy when
it. We shouldn’t jump too fast,” he        According to Richard, “we will       these amazing opportunities to          they are being used.                     speed announcements.
said, adding that the industry must      soon have programmable networks,
learn from the lessons of 3G when        making them like clouds, providing                                             Mobility IQ gives service providers      “We pride ourselves as being the
there was a delay of several years       a much more agile platform for                                                 (and their business customers) real-
between the launch of the process        innovation.”                                                                   time visibility into network, user       most rational,” he told Mobile World
and the actual reality, which led to                                                                                    and business intelligence across
much disappointment.                       The CEO also believes that                                                   Wi-Fi, 3G and LTE networks.
                                         “ironically, the omnipresence of
  That doesn’t mean, though, that        technology is what will give it a                                                 “This transformational new
                                         more human aspect,” as it will sense                                           capability enables service providers
                                                                                                                        to deliver valuable, new
                                                                                                                        differentiated mobile services to        Daily. “Most of our competitors talk
                                                                                                                        their customers, while achieving
                                                                                                                        new levels of operational efficiency,”   about 5Gb/s and 10Gb/s or some
                                                                                                                        said Cisco in a statement.
Cisco boss says half of                                                                                                                                          other number, but they’re not
service providers will be                                                                                                  Chambers also took time in his
“irrelevant” within a decade                                                    economic growth, as well as improve     remarks to claim leadership in           telling you the configuration, which
                                                                                operator and enterprise profitability.  network functions virtualisation
                                                                                                                        (NFV) in terms of the number of          is ridiculous.”
                                                                                  “Internet of Everything is a $19      functions it has managed to virtualise.
                                                                                trillion opportunity based on profits   “We have 49, while our competitors       The Bell Labs chief argued that
                                                                                and savings alone,” said Chambers,      have less than 10,” he said. “In a year
                                                                                adding that the number would be         from now it will be over 90.”            headline-grabbing              5G
                                                                                much bigger if job creation were
                                                                                taken into account.                     be protected. When consumers use         announcements can be an
                                                                                                                        their mobile device to make a
                                                                                  “Governments around the world         contactless payment in a store, a        unhelpful distraction. “Everyone
                                                                                are beginning to address the need       token is submitted, rather than their
By Ken Wieland                           Mobile World Congress.                 for change, adopting broadband          account details.                         now expects the bar in 5G to be
                                           Chambers said technical change,      and getting the right [big data]
John Chambers, chief                                                            information at the right time, which      The Visa chief also pointed to the     5Gb/s, but it’s based on nothing,”
      executive of tech-giant Cisco,     through the likes of cloud-based and   needs to be complete information        “interesting role” that mobile
      said he expected sweeping          virtualisation technologies, was not   and not stove pipe,” he said.           operators play, especially in the        said Weldon (Ericsson
changes in the operator landscape,       enough. Changes in organisational                                              developing world, in driving online
with 50 per cent of today’s service      structure and business processes         Cisco used yesterday’s press          commerce.                                demonstrated 5Gb/s speeds in July
providers becoming irrelevant in 10      were also needed.                      conference to showcase Mobility
years’ time as they fail to adapt in a                                          IQ, its mobility software as a                                                   2014, with Samsung following soon
fast-moving digital world.                 He took Cisco as an example.         service (SaaS) analytics solution.
                                         “We have changed more in the last      Hosted on Cisco Cloud Services,                                                  after with a ‘record’ 7.5Gbps demo).
  “Success of companies, cities and      three years than we have in our
countries depends on getting market      entire history,” said Chambers.                                                                                         Weldon prefers instead a much
transitions right,” he told journalists
at a Cisco press conference held at        The Cisco boss enthused about                                                                                         more nuanced 5G message. “We
                                         Internet of Everything technology and
                                         big data analytics as ways to boost                                                                                     like to say it’s about the digitisation

                                                                                                                                                                 of everything, people and

                                                                                                                                                                 machines,” he said.

                                                                                                                                                                 For the Bell Labs president, 5G

                                                                                                                                                                 should not be a “forced leap” in

                                                                                                                                                                 technology, but draw heavily on

                                                                                                                                                                 existing technologies. He expects

                                                                                                                                                                 5G to re-use existing radio air

                                                                                                                                                                 interfaces – LTE, WiFi and LTE-U –

Visa ready to help partners launch mobile                                                                                                                        under a common control plane.
payments after work on Apple Pay
                                                                                                                                                                 Weldon, however, does see the

                                                                                                                                                                 need for a new interface. “Not

                                                                                                                                                                 because there is anything wrong

By Ken Wieland                           handset and platform agnostic, and       “There are a lot of similarities                                               with the existing one, but it’s not
                                         allowed our partners to build their    between Apple Pay and Samsung
Ryan Mclnerney, global                   own payment products.”                 Pay,” said Mclnerney. “They have                                                 great for machines, as it requires
        president of Visa Inc,                                                  worked with the card networks, and
        speaking at yesterday’s            Visa is also heavily involved with   importantly with the bank card                                                   devices to constantly synchronise,
Mobile Word Congress (MWC)               Samsung Pay, said Mclnerney,           issuers, to let customers use cards
keynote on digital transactions and      which is set for launch in the US      in the way they know and love.                                                   which consumes power.”
social interactions, said the huge       during the second half of 2015.        They haven’t tried to change it.”
effort involved in helping Apple Pay                                                                                                                             Alcatel-Lucent and Bell Labs are
get off the ground has put it in a         Following Samsung’s recent             Both payment services also
position to help others, including       acquisition of LoopPay, the service    leverage so-called ‘tokenisation’, a                                             exploring a new multi-carrier
mobile operators, launch rival           will support Magnetic Secure           security standard Visa announced at
mobile payment services.                 Transmission (MST) technology as       last year’s Mobile World Congress.                                               waveform dubbed UFMC
                                         well as the NFC technology
  “We are the payment engine             supported by Apple Pay.                  Becoming increasingly popular to                                               (Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier),
underneath Apple Pay, and we had                                                address security concerns around
700 people working on it for 18            Under questioning from               mobile and online payments,                                                      which they argue has much better
months before its launch last year,”     journalist and author David            Mclnerney said tokenisation was a
said Mclnerney. “We wanted to            Kirkpatrick, the Visa chief wouldn’t   “big deal” in driving mobile payments.                                           efficiency than OFDM (orthogonal
build a platform and system that         be drawn on differences between
would be scalable, reliable and safe     Apple Pay and Samsung Pay, but           By substituting the payment                                                    frequency-division multiplexing) –
– but not just for Apple Pay, but to     acknowledged that LoopPay              account information found on a
build a system that had open             technology would be an advantage       plastic card with a series of numbers                                            the transport mechanism
architecture, was form-factor,           in the US where contactless cards      that can be used to authorise
                                         and ‘chip and pin’ is not so widely    payment without exposing actual                                                  underpinning LTE and LTE-
                                         used as it is in Europe.               account details, customer data can
                                                                                                                                                                 Advanced systems – for handling

                                                                                                                                                                 IoT traffic.

                                                                                                                                                                 UFMC is one of a number of new

                                                                                                                                                                 air interface candidates, sharing

                                                                                                                                                                 similar characteristics, being

                                                                                                                                                                 explored by 5GNow – 5th

                                                                                                                                                                 Generation       Non-Orthogonal

                                                                                                                                                                 Waveforms for Asynchronous

                                                                                                                                                                 Signalling – a research project

                                                                                                                                                                 funded by the European Union.

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