Page 13 - Helixion-swisscom-tapit-case-study
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Partnering for Success

It is Swisscom’s strategic vision and partnership building

that will make Tapit a success in the longer term.

Whether there is a single visionary, a two party joint venture or a multi-partner approach, the
Swisscom example shows what can be achieved through the careful selection of both
partners and technical platform. Both have to be flexible and look ahead. Mobile wallets are
yet to fully mature but getting the infrastructure correct from the beginning means that the
wallet provider will be ideally positioned to take full advantage of the current and future
exciting opportunities in this market – whatever they may turn out to be.
The final word goes to Sachin Mittal, Group Product Manager for Mobile Payment at
Swisscom: “Swisscom is extremely happy to work with the experienced and highly competent
team of Helixion for our joint mobile payment solution….. and we are looking forward to
many more successes together”.

A Winning Partnership: Swisscom & Helixion

One of the key ingredients to the success of a project of this nature is a strong partnership
between the players. This is especially true for the Tapit project. Helixion delivered:


By using Helixion’s proven, customisable lok-MPL platform, Swisscom has confidence that the
underlying payment technology works. This allowed it to concentrate on developing a great
user experience.

Payment Scheme Expertise

Helixion has unparalleled expertise across the main payment schemes including Visa and
Mastercard. This allowed it to provide valuable guidance to the project development drawn
from its knowledge and experience.

Eco-system Expertise

Swisscom benefited from Helixion’s knowledge and experience which extends throughout the
value chain. The project could have suffered a significant delay had it not been for Helixion’s
knowledge and capability to provide a work-around solution when issues arose around SIM

Quality and Deliverables

Helixion project deliverables met Swisscom’s requirements and complied with any required
third party technical and branding specification.

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