Page 32 - Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014
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24 Consumers and Mobile Financial Services 2014

have been found to be representative of the popula- The third reason is that Internet panel surveys have
tion. The second reason is that the ABS Internet numerous existing data points on respondents from
panel allows the same respondents to be previously administered surveys, including detailed
re-interviewed in subsequent surveys with relative demographic and economic information. This allows
ease, as they remain in the panel for several years. for the inclusion of additional information on
respondents without increasing respondent burden.
9 David S. Yeager, Jon A. Krosnick, LinChiat Chang, Harold S. Lastly, collecting data through an ABS Internet panel
Javitz, Matthew S. Levendusky, Alberto Simpser, and Rui Wang
(2011) “Comparing the Accuracy of RDD Telephone Surveys survey is cost effective, and can be done relatively
and Internet Surveys Conducted with Probability and Non- quickly.
Probability Samples,” Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 75(4), pp.
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