Page 35 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 35

Ms. Satoko Kagawa is a Technical Officer
       at  the  World  Customs  Organizations
       (WCO), established in 1952 as the

       Customs Co-operation Council (CCC),
       whose mission is to enhance the
       effectiveness and efficiency of Customs
       administrations         which       represents
       182 Customs administrations across
       the  globe  that  collectively  process
       approximately 98% of world trade.

       In the  WCO, she is in charge of trade
       facilitation and customs procedures,
       especially on the use and exchange of
       electronic data for the efficient customs                              Satoko

       procedures and the effective customs
       control.                                                             KAGAWA

       In her previous job as deputy director                             Technical Officer,
       in the Ministry of Finance in Japan,                         Compliance and facilitation
 PostEurop Business Forum   she worked on modernization  of the            directorate WCO
       customs procedures by utilizing customs

 Big Data – Love or Hate?    declaration data and Big Data analysis
       and by introducing modern inspection
       techniques.  She has a MBA degree in
 IT IS HERE   University of  Virginia Darden School of

                                                                          PHOTO GALLERY
 28 - 29 September 2017                                                  Click to open the photo gallery

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