Page 23 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 23

Mr. Ziv Baida is Dun & Bradstreet’s

       BeNeLux Leader for three key sectors
       in the ecosystem of postal services:
       Government (the regulator; public sector),
       Trade (logistics companies) and Emerging
       Technologies       (including     eCommerce,
       e-payment service providers, FinTech,
       mobile/IoT). Dun & Bradstreet is the world’s
       leading  provider  of business information.
       Mr. Baida focuses on designing and

       realizing data-driven solutions to make
       informed decisions in business processes
       across all areas of operation, including
       risk management (credit risk, reputational
       risk, supply chain risk), sales & marketing                                Ziv
       (lead  generation),  compliance  (AML/KYC),                            BAIDA
       policy making (strategy-level data analysis),
       law enforcement (government controls;                               BeNeLux Leader -
       reducing administrative burden; and the                           Government, Trade&
       balance between the two) and Master Data                        Emerging Technologies
       Management as an underlying foundational                            at Altares - Dun &

       capability. He is an experienced executive                              Bradstreet
       advisor, with a strong focus on how data
       and emerging technologies best support
       organizations  in  realizing their strategies
       and in designing their own future.
                                                                          PHOTO GALLERY
       Mr. Baida holds a PhD degree in information
       management from the  VU University in                             Click to open the photo gallery
       Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and an MSc
       degree – cum laude – in computer science.
       He has a track record of thought leadership                         VIDEO GALLERY
       for the past 15 years, with numerous                              Click to open the video gallery

       publications in commercial and academic
       conferences and journals as well as book                             PRESENTATION
       chapters.  Two of his publications were
       awarded with an outstanding paper award.                       Click to download the presentation
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