Page 118 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 118

Dragos DINCA - Director of IT & Communication, Posta Romana

       PostEurop Business Forum

                         IT IT prioritiespriorities (priorities (RomanianRomanian Post)

                                                   Benefits                 Solution
                                                   Customer, service and contract   Implement a CRM solution
                                                   Integrated company management  Implement ERP
                                                   Develop new reporting tools  Data warehouse, BI (Analytics)
                                                   Increase the accuracy of the postal   Implement a new Track and Trace solution
                                                   transactions with real time traceability
                                                   Increase the quality of services for the   New mobile hardware and mobile
                                                   Romanian Post and its image on the market  applications.
                          Changege the perception of IT gege the perception of IT the perception of IT   Extend the communication data network to
                          into a business partner                           all postal locations
                                                   Increase the efficiency for the postal   Use new IT tools like: Document
                                                   services and its workforce  Management System, Web applications
                                                                            with responsive interface
                                                   Innovation Development   Create “Innovation Incubator”: an Idea
                                                                            factory which use internal knowledge
                                                                            pushes the ideas and drives the goals
                                                   Make the IT a business enabler and   Use modern application and systems that
                                                   technology driver        will allow process automation and reduce
                                                                            the paper volumes
                                                   Begin to develop Digital Capability   Capitalization of raw data and various forms
                                                   Platform, Data Monetization Platform  of value added content
                                                                            Delivering hyper-personalized cost effective
                                                                            digital services

                                              Strategic IT Plan & Integration

        CNPR Products &
           Services                IT Governance : Strategic Alignament, Value Delivery, Risk Management, Resource Management, Performance mesurement
                                                   BI (Analitycs)
         CNPR business                                   IT Security & Risk Assesment
         Technology Transformation  Business Transformation  ERP  Track & Trace  CRM  Banking & Financial Services  E-commerce Apps.  Transport & Fleet Management  "Mobile Sales and Service" Apps.  "Self Service" Appliances  Distributors (Franchise)Management  ???  Digital Transformation Initiative &   good practices analysis  Internal Personnel Tranings   (e-learning platform)  Distinctive IT Competencies & Capabilities

                                                           IT Operations & Support
        CNPR Infrastructure                                  IT Infrastructure
          & Processes

                                                                                Technology Landscape (technology
           Business              Technology Trends                              capabilities available in the market

      IT STRATEGY of CNPR (Value Proposition): To ensure the full support in order to elaborate and deliver quality products and services according to CNPR business
                           strategy; these outputs will integrate the latest IT technologies at a premium prices and low costs

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