Page 116 - PostEurop Business Forum
P. 116

Dragos DINCA - Director of IT & Communication, Posta Romana

       PostEurop Business Forum

         Digital process has one key point:

         velocity. How do you know if your

         company is fast enough? How do

         you know you are going in the

         right direction?

         The speed of travel to the future does not depend on the speed with

         which we invest, but on the speed with which we realize the exact

         path we must follow.

                                  Core work-related skills

            Abilities        Basic Skillls              Cross-functional Skills
         Cognitive Abilities  Content Skills   Social Skills   Resource Management Skills
      Cognitive Flexibility  Active Learning  Coordinating with Others  Management of Financial Resources
      Creativity        Oral Expression  EQ                Management of Material Resources
      Logical Reasoning  Reading Comprehension  Negotiation  People Management
      Problem Sensitivity  Written Expression  Persuasion  Time Management
      Mathematical Reasoning  ICT Literacy  Service Orientation
      Visualsation                       Training and Teaching Others
          Physical Abilities  Process Skills  System Skills       Technical Skills
      Physical Strength  Active Listening  Judgement and Decision -Making Equipment Maintenance and Repair
      Manual Dexterity and Precision  Critical Thinking  Systems Analysis  Equipment Operation and Control
                        Monitoring Self and Others         Programming
                                          Compkex Problem Solving Skills Quality Control
                                         Complex Problem   Technology and User Experience Design
                    Critical skills for CIO

              in 2020                 in 2015
       1Complex Problem Solving  1Complex Problem Solving
       2Critical Thinking      2Coordonating with Others
       3Creativity             3People Management
       4People Management      4Critical Thinking
       5Coordonating with Others  5Negotiation
       6EQ                     6Quality Control
       7Judgement and Decision Making  7Service Orientation
       8Service Orientation    8Judgement and Decision Making
       9Negotiation            9Active Listening
      10Cognity Flexibility   10Creativity

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