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8) PWC’s 6 Annual Digital IQ Survey: The Five Behaviors
that Accelerate Value from Digital Investments

Why this research is important: Many companies claim to be a digital enterprise, but this research
suggested only a minority are truly there. The culmination of a company’s understanding, valuing and
weaving of technology determines what PwC calls a Digital IQ. PwC’s survey analyzed the perspective of
both IT and business executives regarding the value digital technology adds to their businesses. The
report identified five key behaviors to achieve a high Digital IQ.

Method: A survey in the fall of 2013 garnered 1,494 respondents from 36 countries throughout 11
industries. Two-thirds of participants worked in organizations with revenues of $1 billion or greater and
37 percent have revenues greater than $5 billion.

Key findings:

 Only 20 percent of respondents in this year’s survey rated their companies as having an
‘excellent’ digital IQ.
 It is important for CEOs to actively seek and use digital initiatives to achieve business
 Seventy percent of top performing Digital IQ companies say they have a strong CIP-CMO
 Companies that adopt the 5 Digital IQ behaviors are 2.2 times more likely to be top
performers in revenue growth, profitability, and innovation.


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